Tuesday, March 30, 2010
happy spring day!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
spring "cleaning"
well, i have to make this short- it's church time!
Friday, March 12, 2010
productive day
in the sermon i listened to, ronnie stevens talked about First Evan and the World. somewhere in the pssage he was reading from (luke 4), he started talking about how Jesus' "occupation" was preaching the Word. that His entire identity and "job description" was glorifying the name of God. and ronnie said something like, "what does your identity come from with what you do"? "do you do it because you want to ? because you make alot of money? because it's something you like doing?" would we honestly be able to say we do our job or we do this or that because we want to glorify the name of God? this made me think about studying today and doing ALL things to the glory of God. whatever little thing i am doing, O Lord help me glorify your name and draw others to you! in the workplace, at school, interacting with patients, studying, running, etc. may they all be for your glory!
i don't really have much more to add to this post, since my day consisted of running, showering, eating, and studying. pretty eventful, right?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
1 peter 5:6-7
well i'm taking a break from studying, but i just had to share this verse...because Jesus calls us to cast anxieties on Him...simply because He cares about them and holds all things, all parts of our lives together. a relief, but almost too good to be true...it's so hard to actually grasp that. i know i will make it through this semester---but just like running, it will take hard discipline and training.
i have another long run tomorrow- 10 possibly! hopefully no stomach-ache or issues will hold me back. i'll be sure to stay away from west st. diner, cow farms, being out of the middle of nowhere, or a combination of all 3. and even though i am officially on "spring break", my days will consist of 10-12 hours of studying. SB 2010- "passing dental hygiene national boards!"
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
"the last lecture"- randy pausch
here is the link to the video---
Monday, March 8, 2010
9 miles and a horrible stomach-ache

So yesterday was another long run day...9 miles. yes, crazy, i know. i intended on running 10 miles, but let me tell you about my interesting (if that can even describe it) run. i'm just going to start from the beginning of yesterday, so if this sounds a little diary-ish, i just have to go through the whole day to get to how i ended my run. well yesterday my parents and i went to church. it was the mark of the 75th anniversary of first evangelical church, very exciting! i went to first service where i heard pastor ronnie stevens talk about an interesting passage about Jesus being rejected at nazareth. i love pastor stevens and miss his sermons! he is very powerful in his speaking. during 2nd hour, i skipped out on sunday school to study...and my dad had guardian duty, so i rode around in the backseat with the window down while we patrolled the parking lots...it was actually really fun! and relaxing! as we rode around, we saw the likes of an older woman just strolling around the neighborhood in her pink velvety warm-up suit and black sketcher-like shoes, pastor taylor park and the photography people setting up for the congregation picture that was going to be taken at 12:15 in front of the church, and people leaving in and out of the parking lot. it was such a beautiful day, i just couldn't wait to get home to start on my 10 mile run! well, we then made the tough decision of where to eat after church, and little did i know- that would be the start to what my title so well-describes. we ate at west st. diner, this cute yummy diner in germantown. of course, my usual meal there is chicken tenders and 2 veggies and sweet bread! during lunch, my dad and i were talking about long runs and how bored we get just running around our neighborhood and doing the same "trail" over and over to equal the number of miles we need. so i decided with him that i would try something different..."dad- how about if you drop me off on fisherville road (near a lake/park) and i'll run 5 down that road and 5 back, and you can pick me up from the beginning when i'm done?" well we got back to the homestead and jumped in the car to head to fisherville rd- a "country" road, nonetheless. it almost feels like a different world down this road- cow farms, very open fields, kindof a small-town feel. the cow farms were the funniest part...here i am chugging along down fisherville rd (the name pretty much gives what this street was away). all of the sudden to my left i look over and cows are literally just a few feet away from me behind a fence...it seemed as though they were staring and either judging my pace or wanting to jump that fence and join me. either one, it frightened me! and they would start running in the opposite direction i was which i thought weird. i finally made it to the 5 mile mark and headed back towards where i started so that my dad could come pick me up. as i approached about mile 6 or so of my run, i experienced what i experience far too often, but definitely did not want to experience on this particular day in the middle of fisherville road- A HORRIBLE stomach-ache. i mean, the kindof stomach-ache where your vision gets a little fuzzy, you get chills, and you just feel like mt. kilomanjaro erupted. now, i have to admit, i have a sensitive stomach. the littlest jolt/anxiousness will trigger something! and on this particular long run, i knew this was bad news. this was the worst part- i looked over to my right (at this point, i was walking, trying everything i could to keep mt. kilomanjaro's eruption from erupting out), and i see one of the 2 or 3 cow farms and the big, vast land that oh! a family owns!? and a woman was on her cellphone leaving their farmhouse/outhouse type place...and all i could think or envision myself doing was to immediately jump over their fence, sprint to where she was, and cause a scene by waving my hands in the hair yelling that i need to use their bathroom! haha, i'm glad that was only what i envisioned and didn't really happen. i built up the courage to call my dad and ask him to come and get me---my chariot found me, escorted me back to my house, and the rest is history- i finished my long run doing 3 miles on the treadmill after i made sure mt. kilomanjaro had settled. hmmm, lesson to be learned? probably more than one- maybe don't eat west st. diner on the day of a long run, if i DO plan on eating that, plan A should be run around the neighborhood where i am close to a bathroom (accessible) and close to home. you know what the light at the end of the tunnel was? a little phrase that i heard over and over again as a child watching "the wizard of oz"---"There's no place like home!"
Thursday, March 4, 2010
"my grace is sufficient for thee" 2 cor 12:9

"He who would glorify his God must set his account upon meeting with many trials. No man can be illustrious before the Lord unless his conflicts be many. If then, yours be a much-tried path, rejoice in it, because you will the better show forth the all-sufficient grace of God. As for His failing you, never dream of it--hate the thought. The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end."
this much-tried path is something we all face in different ways. for me now, it is school, relationships, friendships, focusing on Jesus, learning, growing, just day-to-day little situations. and how much do i complain and groan about my cirumstances? about studying and things i am not content in? and this passage says that God's grace is sufficient...it is made perfect in our weakness. and we are to rejoice in it! i also love the last sentence Spurgeon says, "as for His failing you, never dream of it- HATE the thought...and He who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end". what a comforting statement and reminder. and what an amazing God who is personal, can give us strength in our weakness, pardons our sin by His Son's death, and can be TRUSTED and never fails. i think about a song by chris qualia ? called "your love never fails". here are some of those lyrics:
"You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There maybe pain in the night but joy comes in the morning
And when the oceans rage
I don't have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails
The wind is strong and the water's deep
But I'm not alone in these open seas
Cause Your love never fails
The chasm is far too wide
I never thought I'd reach the other side
But Your love never fails."
Lord, bring me joy in hard circumstances, in trials and even the smallest of things that i groan and whine about. Help me rest content in your plan for my life, in your Will and timing. give me strength to rejoice even in my weakness...for you will never leave me and your love never fails.