Sunday, October 31, 2010


so as you probably know from seeing fbook, my friend kt and i this wkend took a road trip to visit another friend emily in oxford ms. a very quaint little town :) but the main reason for visiting was to see auburn beat the rebels or black bears. well friday we got there and walked around the square to find a restaurant that didn't have longer than a 45 minute wait...and after putting our names down at about 5 different restaurants and waiting around, we finally sat down to eat around 9:45/10ish. emily had 2 scottish friends with her, and me, kt, and harry joined them for a lovely evening of eating/talking/and watching modern family at the church harry works at. might i just add that i LOVE that show...

so saturday was fun, we slept in, got ready, and headed to the square for our morning fix of java and bfast...then hopped in harry's parents' car to go to the grove and join the massive amount of people tailgating and is definitely a huge social event, and it was anticipated that this was going to be the largest gathering of people in the history of fball at oxford. emily, correct me if i'm wrong about that fact?

so saturday was fun to walk around and wander through the endless sea of rebel/tiger tents and fans. little kids with their scooters that were zooming around in the family zone of the tailgating, frat boys ranting on and on and smack-talking the opposing team (auburn and ole miss frat boys :)), the smell of yummy foods, the loud chatter of families and fans....ALL of this was so much fun and so part of the grove experience.
kt and i also got to reunite with several of our great auburn friends :) SO fun to see them.
THEN it came time for us to leave...and the game started! kt and i listened to it intently on the radio driving back. it was CRAZY, i think we were caught in emotions of mad/frustration/happy/etc. haha. we got back to the house and watched the rest of the game with the rents, and had a surprise visit with our family friends and their baby, who was trick-or-treating as dorothy from wizard of oz.
it was a FABULOUS wkend of football, friends, and back to work monday! AHHH!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

happy halloween 2010!

so this is about all the celebrating i will be doing for halloween....the rest of the wkend will be spent with good friends and fun in oxford MS and memphis, cheering for my auburn tigers :)
today at work was so fun, we got to dress up in halloween costumes...we made cupcakes for the kids and had a catered lunch from chickfila...and had yummy sweets for ourselves! everyone was so cute in their costumes. i'm usually not into halloween, but having a party like this at work was very fun!
the two doctors were spongebob and dora the explorer...there were some fairies, a baseball player, olive oil, a pirate, cheerleader, cupcake, gum stuck to a shoe (the winner of the contest), a witch, etc. the kids were funny too...i would go out to the lobby to call a patient, and the patient and mom would start smiling and just look almost in shock, like "why are you dressed that way?"
on another note, i wanted to share a funny story. let me give you sortof a background story. the night before i went to borders, i had gone to bible study and taken my dinner in a tupperware and i had brought my fork from home. well after bible study, i guess i forgot that my fork was still in my purse after removing the tupperware. so the other night, i am walking into borders, and am rummaging through my purse and talking on the phone...well i see a guy walking in behind me about to grab the door for me, and out drops a fork onto the ground from my purse (a dirty one, the one i had used the night before, HAHA). i was still on the phone, but i said, "oh thanks!" as he picked it up for me and handed it to me. hahaha it was pretty funny. if you didn't laugh, i guess you had to be there. hope you enjoy these pics from my work halloween party... and just in case i don't post over the wkend, WAR CAM EAGLE!!!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"i'm late! i'm late! i'm late i'm late i'm late!"

if you've seen alice in wonderland (cartoon or weird new version), you're familiar with how the rabbit is! he is stressed and ALWAYS late! thus keeping his clock with him! well i took on the part of the rabbit this morning...and funny story, because i am NEVER late. in fact, the only times i'm accused of being late is when i'm with michael :) and if my friends are reading this, they know that that is true. i'm expecting some kindof comment about that later.
anyway, the day before work, i usually set a million alarms on my phone and one by my bed. well not thinking about it last night and falling asleep, i PANICKED this morning when i woke up on my own without an alarm at 7:10. guess what time i'm usually supposed to be at work? 7 am! so of course, i panic, freak out, say out loud, "OH...CRAP!!!!" haha, i threw on clothes, brushed my hair, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and grabbed my keys and purse and rushed out the door. jumped in my car and sped to work...getting there about 7:23. i texted my coworker and said "i'm gonna be late!!" AHHHHH. so usually i have a patient at fact, i had one until about 7:15 this morning, according to a lady i work with. luckily, that patient had fallen off the sched and my first patient wasn't til 8. was the Lord watching over me or not? so guess what i've done tonight? set 5 alarms on my phone and one by my bed. guess what i will never do again? NOT set an alarm! haha. oh well, we live and learn. i definitely learned a small but important lesson...SET ALARMS AND MAKE SURE THEY'RE SET THE NIGHT BEFORE!

Monday, October 25, 2010

i love bdays! HOPPY BIRFFFDAYY!!!

so this wkend, i celebrated this boy's bday.
i absoluteley love birthdays. i can't help but plan and plan and plan when it comes to people i care about's birthday. i love cake, friends, fam, presents, the works! well michael, my lovely knight in shining armor and apple of my eye, was having a pretty lousy thursday night. he didn't do so great on his practice FE exam, and was down in the dumps. little did he know that the entire week, i had been messaging his friends and brother telling them i was going to actually come to martin fri night and surprise him to take him to din/eat cake at his apt. yay! i love surprises. so i messaged everyone early in the week letting them know, and was also trying to find a place to stay. so i ended up staying in Christopher (his bro's) dorm for the wkend, which was great. well anyway, i got there friday and drove to the EPS building, which is also michael's second home...i was thinking i would definitely find him there because every single time i talk to him, he is there. so i went there, browsed around the building, and found one of his good friends in the lab. i sat in there for a few minutes, and michael was re-taking his exam (haha, bad timing on my part!) i waited for what seemed ETERNITY, and then he bursts into the computer lab with all smiles and was super surprised to see me. we went to dinner with his friends and ate cake at his apt that night. we also went to a sketchy hang out place in martin...let's just say that the people there kept mentioning that the "weird" people come out on the wkends---the "townies" haha.
well saturday was fun also, we went on a walk around a trail near his apt, took lunch to go to EPS so michael could study...i wasn't as productive, as i sat at the comp in the lab playing on fbook, reading every blog, reading random facts on wikipedia, watching hulu vids. haha. i realized that it is just wonderful being in the same place with michael no matter what we do...whether i'm waiting for him to finish studying and i'm bored to death, or if we watch 20 episodes of modern family, or if we cook or bake nasty foods because he makes fun of my cooking skills, or lack thereof. whatever it is, we just enjoy doing together, which i really like. so anyway, saturday night we went to eat and watched football w/some of his friends and modern fam, you can't get enough of that!
speaking of, i bought michael the 1st season on DVD...i also got him the mumford and sons cd and 2 tickets to needtobreathe-which we are going to see in bham nov 19th- YAY!
so here are the VERY few pics i took this past wkend... i wish i remembered to take more. i forget i have a camera and i need to use it to document special occasions :)

happy TUESDAY!!! i'm ready for the wkend!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Currently dreaming of traveling here...

Currently dreaming of waiting for this coming wkend in oxford ms to watch the au tigers dominate the ole miss rebs or should i say bears?

also- this fall weather keeps changing from cool to hot to cool...messing with my feelings!!! it needs to decide if it's going to stay cold or hot. so i'm currently dreaming of cooler weather/maybe even winterish days, with a hot fire, hot chocolate, and a snuggie. haha.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

This was the video i tried to post in the last post! SO GOOD.

recommended reading :)

Just bought this book...CANNOT put it down. a powerful book about a woman's faith, a family's love for God and for each other, and the power of forgiveness and redemption.
Just bought this song on iTUNES... i hope the vid works. it's "light up the sky" by the afters. SO good. on replay on my ipod for running :)
And bought that top today at LOFT. they are having a 40% off on sale items! oh how i miss my employee discount!!!
happy monday tomorrow!

Monday, October 4, 2010

what makes you YOU?

today must be a slow day in the world of blogging. i keep up with blogs DAILY, especially my friends' and the pioneer woman. and sadly, noone has blogged today! not even the pioneer woman, unless she blogged really early this morning, but i think she really blogged last night. i guess i can call myself a dedicated blogger?

so i guess i will give a summary of my last two days here in the beautiful city of franklin/nashville/brentwood. this is strange, but i just realized today that my mailing address and where i live is considered "franklin", but 3 minutes away (where i work) is brentwood dental specialists, which is within brentwood city limits. weird. well last night was the first night of a bible study through kairos (the worship group i've been going to on tues nights). the bible study consists of about 12 people, and we are going through the book of John. it was so great and refreshing, and i am thankful and feel blessed to be in the presence of other believers who are my age that want to study the Word of God and learn to love Him more. so our "homework" assignment was to go out this week (before next sunday when we meet again) and pass out 5 booklets that have the book of John in them...prayerfully, of course. i mean, i guess it would make sense to go up to someone randomly, but in the way i was thinking of it, was maybe someone the Lord has laid on my heart to share the Gospel with and maybe there hasn't been the opportunity. now, things like passing out tracks and openly sharing the Gospel is something i am frightened of...and mainly because i'm scared of what people will say back to me or that they won't be receptive. but when it actually comes down to physically giving them something, it sortof scares me even more, especially when it is a stranger. one thing that kindof gets me, is what if they already are a Christian and i hand them this and say "hey, i just wanted you to know Jesus loves you and wants you to know that, etc.". that's when i feel incompetent and unsure of sharing, because if it were me, and someone came up to me with something like that, i would almost feel offended? or embarrassed? so since last night i've been pondering and prayerfully considering at least 5 people that the Lord has placed in my life at some point here that i could comfortably give one of these to. i will definitely blog when i have passed them out!

the second "bible study" or class i've joined is a 4 week class, also through kairos at brentwood baptist. tonight was the first night and it's sortof like a "finding your place in life/ministry" class...where you learn more about yourself in relating it to how God is using you in where He has you kinda class. it was SO good tonight, mainly because this sortof thing interests me, especially since i am in a career and in a way different environment than i am used to, adjusting to major life changes. tonight we took a personality test, which i determined i am a "phlegmatic" or "S" (steady). and second highest was an I or sanguine?? i've ALWAYS ranked highest in sanguine...and we talked a lot tonight about the fact that our personality per se doesn't "change" over time, but depending on the circumstances we are in at that stage of life, the way we respond sometimes changes. so here i am, in a career where i am around people, but this CHANGE has come and phlegmatics are stubborn to change (imagine that!) and they are SLOW to change. um, can we say danielle owen...MAJOR opposer to change. i am also indecisive, like small groups of people, unorganized. haha. and the list goes on. the thing i liked so much about this class and what the woman there emphasized over and over was in our society today we have so many things in the media and other sources telling us to "fix" our weaknesses...we are constantly being told to work on weaknesses. but very little are we told to focus on strengths and do THOSE to the best that we can. we get so down after taking assessments like that thinking "i wish i was really a "D" or "C" or whatever", instead of really seeing our differences and personalities make us who we are---that is how God is showing His majesty and creativity- He made us in His image and He chooses to use each of our different strengths/weaknesses to bring Him glory. and ultimately people in this world see those things when we let the Lord use us and they are drawn to the beauty of Christ and His kingdom. anyway, i would recommend EVERYONE taking the DISC assessment. i think you can google it, and find out your personality and what makes you you! and it's sort of a cool reminder and encouragement that they way God made you is the way He made you for a reason, and He is orchestrating a GLORIOUS perfect plan for you specifically. cool.

well that is all, dear blogging world. i feel like i filled the little bubble void that existed today in the blog universe!!! now it's your turn, start blogging so i can have something to read hahah!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


so yesterday i purchased a pair of boots at target...i'm pretty obsessed with them. i've been wearing them around my apartment this morning and last night. haha. lacey and i had to drive to a special place to get them, because it was the only target that carried the size i need. we drove to lebanon pike at like 8:00 pm after din yesterday for me to exchange them. needless to say i won't be visiting that target at that time of day again. one of the disappointments we encountered was their grocery was not up to par and they had a huge sign informing that the grocery section would be expanded and ready "soon". another disappointment we encountered was driving back. i usually trust my gps, although sometimes i get nervous about where it is taking me, especially at night. typically if i'm by myself it makes me even more nervous and i doubt that it really knows where to go! so last night we were already a little sketched out and unsure the gps knew what it was doing, and as we're driving and talking about haunted houses and corn mazes, a sketchy van in front of us randomly pulls over onto a curb and it starts smoking a little. all i hear is lace say, "van! smoking! why is it smoking? wheel! why is the wheel rolling across the street?" haha. so we are the only other car on that road and we passed the van slowly because i was curious how the entire wheel/tire could be rolling across the street!? it was strange. and the man got out and was like holding his arms up like "how did that happen?" he was kindof sketchy so we just kept going as we were kindof freaking out. i hope he got the wheel and was able to put it back on?

anyway-all this blog post really was, was to say these boots were worth the time, money, and adventure yesterday :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


seoul korea---my birthplace. this afternoon i spent a few hours googling this city...and googling adoption videos. i know that sounds weird. but i spent about an hour on youtube alone watching different people's adoption stories (from the adoptive parents' perspective). the joy that fills the parents' faces when they get to first hold their child is something that is indescribable. this video i'm posting the link of i found on youtube...i cried and cried and cried. not only is this something that is close to my heart, that my bro and i are adopted, but it is something that totally sheds light on the Gospel of Jesus and of the hope we have in being adopted into His family and inheritance...the joy Jesus had when He died for us and brought us into His home is something we can't even fathom. i love this video...i advise EVERYONE to watch it, you may want to fast forward to like a minute and a half into it...the first part is just kindof an explanation of the journey they're on to korea to go and get their new child and bring him home. and they go to the foster home, receive a letter from the foster mom, and then they leave with their new baby...and the hardest thing it seemed for them was saying goodbye, especially the foster mom. she is crying. ahhhh. so powerful. and i really want to go to korea and go to an orphanage there called isaac it if you get a chance.
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