matthew 5:14 states- "You are the light of the world--like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden."
right now, i imagine a beautiful city, enlightened with so many cheery lights---Christmas lights, street lamps, stars, chinese lanterns, the sun setting in the clouds...on top of a hill. to better word what i'm going to talk about...see this link!- http://www.gty.org/Resources/Sermons/2208
i am blown away by what this means, especially at my work. i see what seems like a million kids per day. and what is my calling as a believer? to be salt and light and to show forth Christ's love and be kingdom-minded. i have most likely written about this before, but today was one of those days where i had so many thoughts about my testimony and sharing the Gospel.
i walked out to the lobby today to bring a teenage patient back. as i called his name, noone acknowledged and got up to walk towards me...so i kept saying his name. finally, a kid looked up (more like woke-up) and headed my direction. i brought him back and started to take his x-rays and felt led to ask him how his day was. needless to say, he looked tired and worn out and angry for some reason. he replied, "it was bad". now, usually, i hear "good" from patients whom i ask that question to. but this guy sounded like he wanted to talk about his day and why it was bad, although he was trying to look tough. so i started asking him why, and he said that he had switched schools today and started at a new school, a big school. i asked him why he switched today and he said that it was because his old school didn't want him anymore. of course, being my nosy self, i wanted to ask why- but instead, i just said- well it's going to get better, you have to give it time, and i hope it gets better! he just replied, "yeah". the rest of the appointment, he was with another hygienist, and just seemed so down and closed off to emotions. it was really sad for me to see this teenager going through pain and i have no clue what his home life is like or why he got kicked out of his other school.
another guy i had today kept to himself SO much that it actually bothered me that he was so quiet. and yes, i talk alot to my patients, but i was asking him typical questions and making conversation. he seemed so shy and depressed. i asked him about school and how he liked it, and he was SO quiet. i think for sure part of it was his personality, but when i SEE pain and hurt in someone, i notice it right away and i want to help that person. i see MANY of those every day. which brought me to thinking about this verse today, not only directed towards my patients, but my life in general...around the people i work with, my friends, family, etc. am i living a consistent life to this verse? am i a light for Christ's GOSPEL and ministry?? how will the world see Christ in this dark, broken world other than through God's people, through us? my prayer should be daily- Lord, use me where you have me. use me right there every second of every day in that dental office if you will. i LONG to be a light for you. i LONG for the people i see daily and the patients i see to see the joy and life and hope that you give me.
let's look at this verse in its context/full content. the rest of the verses say this:
15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
i LOVE this picture. i think the rest of my work days, when i am TIRED and feel like complaining, when i'm a little mad a patient is late, when i don't want to do something for someone else, my thoughts should be directed to Christ and to his LIGHT. do i hide that light if it is lit under a bowl? or put it out? noooooo i let my light shine before others...i put it on a STAND to give light to everyone. i love with a love that Christ has loved me SO fully and unconditionally. who am i to not love someone because they have a messy home life? or they never brush their teeth? or their parents neglect them? or they have a horrible attitude? i am just as messy, broken, decayed, helpless, without Christ. i want so badly for them to know that hope, joy, and fullness of life through this Savior and light of the WORLD.
Lord, use me as i am...a broken vessel...and use me WHERE i am, to be a light.
on a lighter note...enjoy these pictures of my small group friends' valentines party...and my moms new car. happy wednesday!