so this past weekend was spent in hotlanta! AKA crazy traffic-filled city. 9 of us from my new office traveled to atlanta for the hinman dental conference, which included all people from all of the dental profession- dentists, hygienists, and assistants. people go to learn basically...we went to 3 different courses over the span of 2 days. we got there thursday night and went to dinner at an awesome mexican place called no mas. if you are in hotlanta i recommend it!
then friday, we went to 2 courses one was about biofilm and the other about successful dental hygiene teams. friday night we went to a sportsbar and watched the basketball games and hung out! then saturday we walked around the massive exhibit hall and got a bunch of free stuff and different samples...let me tell you, a dental hygienist's DREAM! then saturday afternoon we had a course and then headed back to nashvegas. i am adding a few pics i took from the weekend. it was SUCh a fun time to get to know the great people in my office. it is funny how everything just clicks in this office and we all get along so well :) i was so grateful for today, though, with being able to relax, do some laundry, catch up on some school stuff, and clean. sundays are probably my favorite day. now for a busy week! filled with patients, learning new things every day, school work, and starting physical therapy for my back/hip. and excited to go to memphis this coming weekend. and it is almost april! AHHHH!