walking across the stage...
the family :) so grateful!
cutest cake ever!
so i feel like when i've talked about school and life in general, i tend to start my sentences off as, "i can't wait until...". in my case, you could pretty much fill in the blank with anything. when i talk to people about school, i say, "i can't wait to graduate!" which i have done as of may 28th. or "i can't wait for srta to be over!" which is the exam i have TOMORROW morning! or when i'm talking about phases of life in general- "i can't wait to have a job and be in the real world!" or "i can't wait to be married!" or "i can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me!"or "i can't wait to have kids!" etc. you probably get the point by now. well you know the ironic part about this? now that some of these things have happened- i've graduated, i''ve completed 2 years of dental hygiene school, i've passed my national boards, i'm on my own now financially, i have a new vehicle, i am starting to get serious job interviews, there is a lightbulb that goes off that says, "wow! i really COULD wait longer now..." because honestly, it is scary to me to be in a position i am in now. it is also exciting, though, and i wouldn't take back any experience i have had for anything else. i feel like without those experiences and issues, i wouldn't be where i am today...and i definitely wouldn't have learned very much without those tough roads that spontaneously occurred the past 2 years in dental hygiene school. but looking back has also caused me to open my eyes and be grateful for each day and for every little millisecond. especially with thinking about the future and where i will be, it is comforting and reassuring to see how the Lord's faithfulness is neverending and unchanging. i couldn't do any of the things i've accomplished without Him!! and oh how changing and faithless i am so much!! so this post is sortof a reprioritizing of the "i can't waits!" it is more like: Lord, I CAN WAIT. and Lord, I will wait on your timing. I will wait for your guidance. Lord, help me to be patient and content...
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