thank you, michael w smith for those amazing and true lyrics. haha. this past wkend i made a mini trip to auburn to see my friends. i feel truly blessed when we get together! it is a good reminder that friends can stay friends even with distance between them. there are about 6-7 of us that try to get together a couple of times a year. some times it doesn't happen, especially now that we have our separate lives and are not in auburn. but it is such a great time and we have our "usuals" we like to do together!
auburn has definitely changed...things are different and i just felt old when we were driving around campus and walking downtown. there's a gigi's cupcakes now! and a really cute store called MOXII. which i haven't been to auburn in a while, but this store just amazed me. it is so cute. and my brother and i actually know the owner and their fam! i was on the hunt for a shower curtain and thinking of things to decorate my room...i am definitely in that zone when i shop now. clothes sortof are on the backburner.

those are some shower curtains i liked at the store...not really the pink or orange... but i liked the green. and they also have white. they have an online site: www.moxii.com. look it up, SO CUTE. especially if you are in the decorating mode like me.
well after my short visit at auburn (which i got me some bagel chips...yummy!), i headed to bham to visit some friends. and i wish i could have stayed longer!!!!! and my plan was to get back last night pretty early and do laundry since i haven't in about 2 1/2 wks, but instead, i crashed and went to bed.
today i am visiting churches- in fact, i'm visiting steven curtis chapman's church! and then laundry and a grocery run.
i had a blast this wkend, and it made me miss my auburn friends. it kindof reminded me i don't like change either...but we all grow up. just remember- "friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them".
Glad you got to go to Auburn! I don't know about you, but I struggled to leave when I went back to visit the first time after moving here. It's such a wondeful place!