today must be a slow day in the world of blogging. i keep up with blogs DAILY, especially my friends' and the pioneer woman. and sadly, noone has blogged today! not even the pioneer woman, unless she blogged really early this morning, but i think she really blogged last night. i guess i can call myself a dedicated blogger?
so i guess i will give a summary of my last two days here in the beautiful city of franklin/nashville/brentwood. this is strange, but i just realized today that my mailing address and where i live is considered "franklin", but 3 minutes away (where i work) is brentwood dental specialists, which is within brentwood city limits. weird. well last night was the first night of a bible study through kairos (the worship group i've been going to on tues nights). the bible study consists of about 12 people, and we are going through the book of John. it was so great and refreshing, and i am thankful and feel blessed to be in the presence of other believers who are my age that want to study the Word of God and learn to love Him more. so our "homework" assignment was to go out this week (before next sunday when we meet again) and pass out 5 booklets that have the book of John in them...prayerfully, of course. i mean, i guess it would make sense to go up to someone randomly, but in the way i was thinking of it, was maybe someone the Lord has laid on my heart to share the Gospel with and maybe there hasn't been the opportunity. now, things like passing out tracks and openly sharing the Gospel is something i am frightened of...and mainly because i'm scared of what people will say back to me or that they won't be receptive. but when it actually comes down to physically giving them something, it sortof scares me even more, especially when it is a stranger. one thing that kindof gets me, is what if they already are a Christian and i hand them this and say "hey, i just wanted you to know Jesus loves you and wants you to know that, etc.". that's when i feel incompetent and unsure of sharing, because if it were me, and someone came up to me with something like that, i would almost feel offended? or embarrassed? so since last night i've been pondering and prayerfully considering at least 5 people that the Lord has placed in my life at some point here that i could comfortably give one of these to. i will definitely blog when i have passed them out!

the second "bible study" or class i've joined is a 4 week class, also through kairos at brentwood baptist. tonight was the first night and it's sortof like a "finding your place in life/ministry" class...where you learn more about yourself in relating it to how God is using you in where He has you kinda class. it was SO good tonight, mainly because this sortof thing interests me, especially since i am in a career and in a way different environment than i am used to, adjusting to major life changes. tonight we took a personality test, which i determined i am a "phlegmatic" or "S" (steady). and second highest was an I or sanguine?? i've ALWAYS ranked highest in sanguine...and we talked a lot tonight about the fact that our personality per se doesn't "change" over time, but depending on the circumstances we are in at that stage of life, the way we respond sometimes changes. so here i am, in a career where i am around people, but this CHANGE has come and phlegmatics are stubborn to change (imagine that!) and they are SLOW to change. um, can we say danielle owen...MAJOR opposer to change. i am also indecisive, like small groups of people, unorganized. haha. and the list goes on. the thing i liked so much about this class and what the woman there emphasized over and over was in our society today we have so many things in the media and other sources telling us to "fix" our weaknesses...we are constantly being told to work on weaknesses. but very little are we told to focus on strengths and do THOSE to the best that we can. we get so down after taking assessments like that thinking "i wish i was really a "D" or "C" or whatever", instead of really seeing our differences and personalities make us who we are---that is how God is showing His majesty and creativity- He made us in His image and He chooses to use each of our different strengths/weaknesses to bring Him glory. and ultimately people in this world see those things when we let the Lord use us and they are drawn to the beauty of Christ and His kingdom. anyway, i would recommend EVERYONE taking the DISC assessment. i think you can google it, and find out your personality and what makes you you! and it's sort of a cool reminder and encouragement that they way God made you is the way He made you for a reason, and He is orchestrating a GLORIOUS perfect plan for you specifically. cool.
well that is all, dear blogging world. i feel like i filled the little bubble void that existed today in the blog universe!!! now it's your turn, start blogging so i can have something to read hahah!
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