i flip on the news- definitely channel 2. although, the channel 4 people are less awkward.

i get my coffee ready, and my cereal---new cereal for the wk: special k red berries.

THEN i open up my Bible...and currently reading ISAIAH. yummy nuggets.

i'm a little bit nervous about the work wk and how busy we will be especially today with it being mlk day and kids are out of school. and not that i'm excited, but i am counting down the days until the dreaded 24 years old. AH. VERY old.
this past wkend i felt really old. the girl i used to drive to school (sort of for fun, sort of to just drive her and her brother) got hitched! she was a beautiful bride and it was a beautiful ceremony with amazing music. i also purchased a coffee table. it's black and simple. here's a pic: (http://s7d3.scene7.com/is/image/AshleyFurniture/T381-20-KO?$WEB-AFHS-PRODUCTDETAIL$)

i also did the horrible long run on the treadmill and also found out my dad did his on a treadmill in alaska. BLAHHH!!!!
and lastly, a verse to close everything out, revelation 19
"hallelujah! for the Lord God Almighty reigns. let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready."
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