well this weekend was full of events. friday night my friend catherine had a birthday bonfire- so much fun. we went out to her parents' house- which is beautiful and has been refinished/done and was built in the 1940's?? and LOTS and lots of land. it is beautiful. saturday was SAND VBALL with some new people i had never played with before, which was also fun. then saturday night...the franklin rodeo. an event i have been looking forward to for a while. something i realized about myself that i always kindof knew, but found out again last night, was that i LOVE country music...i love the rodeo. i love the cowboys & the attire. i love the dirt & the animals & the events. everything was so great and i don't think i have been to a rodeo before, so this was an awesome first experience. my favorite was probably when they let the little kids onto the arena floor and had 3 or 4 calves with ribbons tied to their tails & the kids had to chase them down and pull the ribbons off! i mean a SWARM of little people chasing after the calves. pretty funny.
then today, i relaxed and cleaned up my apt, and some friends are coming to watch a movie tonight!
i have felt like i've been going and going. and friday i actually got to kindof relax...but i also got fried sunburned at the pool :(
this week looking forward to...work picking up and getting a little busier, bible study at NEWKS tomorrow night- which just opened in cool springs!, kairos on tuesday, and DOUBLE HEADER vball games thursday night...and memphis on friday for a long 4 day weekend. much needed.
happy 3rd week of MAY!
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