you're sort of right...
if you're thinking about specifically who got voted off tonight...

you're again sort of right...
if you want a recap of my favorite bachelor on this show...

you're getting closer.
but if you're reflecting on my last post about plan b...you are totally right on. the other people & reflections above are semi-correct and relative, only because after watching that glorious show, we talk about plan b...aka we watch the bachelorette and THEN talk about Jesus. all i can say in defense of that statement is we are women....emotional women.
anyway, tonight was our first, very successful discussion on this book. it is amazing to see everyone open up & i am so so excited to see how the Lord uses this book in our lives. i am excited to see and learn more about what to do with our frustrations and wailings and groanings about where we are in life and turn those over to the Lord for HIS use to bring about joy in our lives and ultimately glory to Him. i was reminded over and over tonight even as my friends were sharing about their plan b's and when i was hearing myself talk that this life & world are not about me although i like to think so SOOO often...instead whatever phase of life or wherever the Lord is using me is where He thinks is best for me right now because it is bringing Him joy & honor. one of the quotes in the very end of the book talks about trust is what you do when you don't have understanding (that is definitely paraphrased because it sounds better in the book). but i LOVE that. what do YOU do when you are frustrated, hurt, lost, confused, etc by your plans? do you trust? what do you do when you don't understand where the Lord has you or is leading you...and that where you are is NOWHERE close to the plan you had for your own life? what do you do about it as a believer in Christ? do you run from it...do you turn your trust to other things or your mind to try and gain your own understanding and wisdom or do you trust in God. do you soak up Scripture & spend time in prayer? what do you actually believe about GOD? i know i believe He exists and He is truth and everything about His Gospel and salvation are TRUE...but sometimes i doubt His presence in my life and if He'll actually reveal Himself....and most of the time that doubt comes from impatience and unwillingness to trust.
what does trust mean to you? ALLLL of these questions and thoughts ran through my mind tonight as this group of young growing women discussed the deeper questions. my prayer is that the Lord uses this book as an encouragement but also as motivation to really trust and study His Word and truly know Him & see His goodness even in the waiting or pain or suffering or doubts. i pray our moaning and groaning about life & our different "plans" will turn into praise, joy, and acclamation to our loving Father who created us and does in fact love us and has a plan for our lives.
get this book NOW!
looking forward to next week's discussion...a 3 day work week this week...continuing education classes thursday & friday...& memphis & a wedding this weekend! YAY! and trivia & vball this week!
off to bed
(pics- okmagazine.com, xfinitytv.comcast.net, igossip.com)
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