so i feel that lately i have been so stressed, and i think it is the busyness of work these days (kids being on fall break)--a constant busy schedule @ work where some days i barely have a chance to take a deep breath and relax---school and midterms coming up with lots of reading and keeping track of the 2 online classes i'm currently taking---and weekends of traveling back and forth to memphis, a fun-filled friends' wedding weekend fast approaching, and all of the other crazy parts of life. stress is really not a positive way of putting it. i enjoy what i do and the millions of kids i feel like i see every day! and i enjoy school. i enjoy going to memphis & i definitely enjoy the happyness of weddings! stress comes when i think about it too much and it fills my brain. and when i'm constantly writing things in my planner- almost OCD-like- and when i don't take the time to rest. so right now @ 3:43 in the afternoon i am at panera, i just finished studying and reading from a public health book, & i am chilling. i was supposed to go to auburn this past weekend (very bummed i didn't go) but this weekend was a good weekend to try and relax...although i did take some study breaks along the way. the past few months i have been back and forth to memphis and my poor car has racked up some mileage. so i decided (sadly) i would try to be productive and relax in nashvegas. good decision. but sad tomorrow is already monday! this week is a little crazy. williamson county fall break is's birthday is thursday...michael w's birthday is friday...amanda's lingerie shower is saturday...and midterms!!! i'm excited & a tad overwhelmed! i love birthdays...i feel like every birthday should have a week long celebration. actually i firmly believe that.
so here is to birthday week (s) for 2 of my favorites:

i can't wait to be in memphis this weekend. & tonight is a cookout for the sunday school at brentwood baptist i've been too a few times called going deeper. i'm excited about it & excited about a conference that is coming to brentwood baptist about studying the Bible and going deeper. i'm also excited about taylor swift the end of this month in memphis!!!! and excited auburn beat florida gators!!! and i am loving fall!
Very nice blog youu have here