so, this past week started up a new group of studying the Word & encouragement. some of my kairos friends have gotten together to read the Bible together in a year (one of those reading plans from YouVersion) and share in life together. so far, it has been so encouraging and uplifting for me and a great accountability team in going through the Bible and discussing what we are reading through on our own. well last night marked our first official meeting, I guess. every week we are going to try and do dinner beforehand at steph's place...this week...cereal night (and smoothies). if you know me, you know i love cereal. if you know the "new" me, i also love smoothies. i have probably had 1 smoothie a day since i have gotten my blender. banana, milk, ice, and either peanut butter or honey= heaven.
last night we talked about genesis/job. it was refreshing to read through those with a new grown up perspective...i felt like i had different eyes while reading it than when i have read it before. stories like adam and eve, cain and abel, the flood, the tower of babel, etc. it was nice to read it with a fresh outlook and how those are applicable to my life now.
one thing i can't believe i have not blogged about...since i haven't been keeping well with this is my dog caesar died a couple of weeks ago!

words can't really express the sadness in my heart...and that i miss him :( he was MY dog that i got in 8th grade because i made straight A's. i will never forget that! he was a good dog...very sweet, solemn, and he was a playful little puppy! i remember going to the puppy corral and having my heart set on a yorkshire terrier...and then i saw these little maltese puppies and there was one that was so sweet and wanted to play with me! i thought- this is the perfect puppy for me!!! and we named him caesar because a maltese is a roman breed of dog...props to my over-analytical skills, right?
well this weekend is the auburn classic half marathon- which i am praying is not cancelled due to rain! & i'm visiting em & stephafletch in bham!!!
well, that's all the catching up for now- and btodd & jess are engaged!!!! YAY!!!! cannot be more excited for them. and excited to go home next weekend for my bday :) 25?!?!?! happy almost friday!!!
yes you are!! i hope it's not cancelled either!