so yesterday i purchased a pair of boots at target...i'm pretty obsessed with them. i've been wearing them around my apartment this morning and last night. haha. lacey and i had to drive to a special place to get them, because it was the only target that carried the size i need. we drove to lebanon pike at like 8:00 pm after din yesterday for me to exchange them. needless to say i won't be visiting that target at that time of day again. one of the disappointments we encountered was their grocery selection...it was not up to par and they had a huge sign informing that the grocery section would be expanded and ready "soon". another disappointment we encountered was driving back. i usually trust my gps, although sometimes i get nervous about where it is taking me, especially at night. typically if i'm by myself it makes me even more nervous and i doubt that it really knows where to go! so last night we were already a little sketched out and unsure the gps knew what it was doing, and as we're driving and talking about haunted houses and corn mazes, a sketchy van in front of us randomly pulls over onto a curb and it starts smoking a little. all i hear is lace say, "van! smoking! why is it smoking? wheel! why is the wheel rolling across the street?" haha. so we are the only other car on that road and we passed the van slowly because i was curious how the entire wheel/tire could be rolling across the street!? it was strange. and the man got out and was like holding his arms up like "how did that happen?" he was kindof sketchy so we just kept going as we were kindof freaking out. i hope he got the wheel and was able to put it back on?
anyway-all this blog post really was, was to say these boots were worth the time, money, and adventure yesterday :)
hahaha just laughed out loud in starbucks! That was so bizarre!