so this wkend, i celebrated this boy's bday.
i absoluteley love birthdays. i can't help but plan and plan and plan when it comes to people i care about's birthday. i love cake, friends, fam, presents, the works! well michael, my lovely knight in shining armor and apple of my eye, was having a pretty lousy thursday night. he didn't do so great on his practice FE exam, and was down in the dumps. little did he know that the entire week, i had been messaging his friends and brother telling them i was going to actually come to martin fri night and surprise him to take him to din/eat cake at his apt. yay! i love surprises. so i messaged everyone early in the week letting them know, and was also trying to find a place to stay. so i ended up staying in Christopher (his bro's) dorm for the wkend, which was great. well anyway, i got there friday and drove to the EPS building, which is also michael's second home...i was thinking i would definitely find him there because every single time i talk to him, he is there. so i went there, browsed around the building, and found one of his good friends in the lab. i sat in there for a few minutes, and michael was re-taking his exam (haha, bad timing on my part!) i waited for what seemed ETERNITY, and then he bursts into the computer lab with all smiles and was super surprised to see me. we went to dinner with his friends and ate cake at his apt that night. we also went to a sketchy hang out place in martin...let's just say that the people there kept mentioning that the "weird" people come out on the wkends---the "townies" haha.
well saturday was fun also, we went on a walk around a trail near his apt, took lunch to go to EPS so michael could study...i wasn't as productive, as i sat at the comp in the lab playing on fbook, reading every blog, reading random facts on wikipedia, watching hulu vids. haha. i realized that it is just wonderful being in the same place with michael no matter what we do...whether i'm waiting for him to finish studying and i'm bored to death, or if we watch 20 episodes of modern family, or if we cook or bake nasty foods because he makes fun of my cooking skills, or lack thereof. whatever it is, we just enjoy doing together, which i really like. so anyway, saturday night we went to eat and watched football w/some of his friends and modern fam, you can't get enough of that!
speaking of, i bought michael the 1st season on DVD...i also got him the mumford and sons cd and 2 tickets to needtobreathe-which we are going to see in bham nov 19th- YAY!
so here are the VERY few pics i took this past wkend... i wish i remembered to take more. i forget i have a camera and i need to use it to document special occasions :)
happy TUESDAY!!! i'm ready for the wkend!
This is so cute!