if you've seen alice in wonderland (cartoon or weird new version), you're familiar with how the rabbit is! he is stressed and ALWAYS late! thus keeping his clock with him! well i took on the part of the rabbit this morning...and funny story, because i am NEVER late. in fact, the only times i'm accused of being late is when i'm with michael :) and if my friends are reading this, they know that that is true. i'm expecting some kindof comment about that later.
anyway, the day before work, i usually set a million alarms on my phone and one by my bed. well not thinking about it last night and falling asleep, i PANICKED this morning when i woke up on my own without an alarm at 7:10. guess what time i'm usually supposed to be at work? 7 am! so of course, i panic, freak out, say out loud, "OH...CRAP!!!!" haha, i threw on clothes, brushed my hair, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and grabbed my keys and purse and rushed out the door. jumped in my car and sped to work...getting there about 7:23. i texted my coworker and said "i'm gonna be late!!" AHHHHH. so usually i have a patient at 7:30...in fact, i had one until about 7:15 this morning, according to a lady i work with. luckily, that patient had fallen off the sched and my first patient wasn't til 8. was the Lord watching over me or not? so guess what i've done tonight? set 5 alarms on my phone and one by my bed. guess what i will never do again? NOT set an alarm! haha. oh well, we live and learn. i definitely learned a small but important lesson...SET ALARMS AND MAKE SURE THEY'RE SET THE NIGHT BEFORE!
consider this your comment....true statement about michael making you late, which he does often (sorry michael!)
ReplyDeleteDanielle, I read your blog but never comment, but I just had to on this one because I did the exact same thing this morning. I open at Starbucks, which means I have to be there at 5 am. Well, I got a phone call at 5:17 from my shift supervisor asking, where are you? Whoops.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why I didn't get my text with a verse yesterday! :)