WOW. one word sums up the concert in bham. it was amazing...and now can i say i'm even more obsessed with needtobreathe. and my ipod is hooked up downloading songs i bought on itunes...new fav: girl named tennessee or garden.
i'm so mad because i didn't have my camera to take pictures of the epic concert. and downtown bham (although not the safest at night) is so cool and unique. i've never really been around downtown bham, but from the parts we saw, it looked really cool...
this weekend i also saw HP...wow also. ummmm i don't think any other movie i've seen can really capture emotions like hp...haha. i'm making it sound like it was life-changing, but really, it was pretty awesome!
and now a 1/2 week ahead of me...monday, tuesday, 1/2 day wednesday (does that quote ring a bell, Godfather anyone?). and then home sweet home...with quality time with my brother- who promised he would spend time with just me one of those nights...and turkey at the atkins' house! and rest. and wedding shower for sweet abs :) i'm getting so excited about her wedding that's coming up so soon!
ALSO this weekend i got to catch up with a very long-lost, good friend that i used to take to school. SO funny i used to drive this boy to school with his sister.
and lastly to wrap up my semi-eventful weekend, today i went to church, did laundry, studied with lace, bought some really cute things for the apt...(unnecessary but couldn't resist)pics to come, and went to my John small group.
CANNOT WAIT FOR WEDNESDAY!!!! and thanksgiving!!!!
pic of needtobreathe from: http://www.media.wmg-is.com/media/portal/media/cms/images/200708/needtobreathe-03-medium_1185980223887.jpg
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