so last night was the first official meeting of our small group. a background story, the class i signed up for that was a 4 week thing ended a few weeks ago. i wanted to continue the class and meeting together, because i felt like we were all beginning to know each other and it was getting to the point where we shared about our lives/past experiences. i was encouraged by the amazing group of women longing to know the Lord more through this class. so i thought, we should meet every week and continue our group! every week we are meeting and going through a Beth Moore study, David: a heart like his. last night we met here & made homemade pizza, recipe courtesy of my old roomie. it was so easy and a big success.
can i just say that beth moore is SO intense? she is one of the most gripping (emotionally) speakers i have ever heard, and this was only a video we were watching! i felt like i was there and that she was specifically speaking to me. i know the Lord is using her powerfully in womens' lives.
above is a clip of her talking about her book "so long, insecurity". if you haven't heard of this book or haven't read it, you NEED to check it out. it is so good. its emphasis is talking about finding our wholeness/security/full identity in Christ.
happy tuesday!
and new countdown:
9 days until thanksgiving day

38 days until Christmas!

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