So, i was going to wait until sunday to post about the st jude half marathon that's coming up this weekend, but i'm getting anxious about it, and decided i wanted to go ahead and post, and sunday i can give better details about how the race goes. the other day when i was home, my dad and i went on a run. now when i run, i am either focused on my music, or i think about things in my head and hash situations/problems in my mind until my brain feels weaker than my body by the end of the run. well this run with my dad, my mind was a'churnin. i was thinking about so many things, i felt like i could have kept running forever. one of the main things i was thinking about was God's love. crazy during a run to think deep thoughts like this, right? well, as i was running i was a little ahead of my dad the whole way...not on purpose, but i just had this burst of energy where i could stay ahead of him. what was cool was this: my dad has a VERY consistent pace and breathing pattern. as i was running in front of him, i was thinking- what a picture of Christ's love for his children. we are constantly "running"- whether it's away from him or trying to keep ourselves busy or whatever it is...but we like to think we can get away from him or do it ourselves if we go our own route at our own pace and of course we make mistakes along the way and we fail him...but this is what sparked my mind was i could hear my dad's breathing. it was constant, steady, and RIGHT behind me. i just pictured the love of Christ and Him with His arms WIDE open, pursuing me...loving me constantly,steadily,and unchanging, just like my dad's pace/breathing pattern. i know that may be a little odd of an analogy, but as i'm running on saturday, i feel like this will pop into my mind many times.
i'm so excited about the wkend; i'm going to be able to spend some time with my family, my dental hyg friends :), and one of my best friends for her lingerie shower! i cannot wait. good memories are to be made this wkend!!! AND the biggest memory you ask? AUBURN TIGERS winning the SEC championship. that will be an epic moment in my life, no doubt. and cam newton- eligible. enough said.
can't wait to post that on sunday!!! :)
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