topics of the day: humility and new year's resolutions. the two don't really go hand-in-hand, but if you were to try and force it, you could say you need humility to see the changes you want to make in yourself bc you don't like them...therefore, creating new year's resolutions. that's a stretch.
humility: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&defl=en&q=define:humility&sa=X&ei=SYQaTZLrIoSdlgfH0ZHTDA&ved=0CBsQkAE. in a nutshell, the link describes humility as meekness in spirit, freedom from pride or arrogance. this week already (in observation that it is only tuesday) has been crazy. i took yesterday off and went back to work today...it was so hard to go back after being off a few days. and now our hygiene schedule is so full to the max, we barely get a chance to breathe. a hard part for me to have to adjust to is how fast pace everything is...and how that conflicts with the fact that i like to talk to my patients. i like to relate. i like to ask my little kiddy patients about their lives and what they want to be when they grow up and what santa is bringing them for christmas. o my goodness, kids really say the darndest things.
i am currently at a coffee shop, inhaling java- which always seems to calm me down- and attempting to study...and i felt a desperate urge to dive into the powerful Word of God. to seek Him, to pray, to just unload and bring everything to the table- including this work week and my exhaustion and stress. and as always, the Words of the Lord are so eye-opening, and so kindof "in your face", but in a good way. from psalm 95, this reminds me that God is so in control. He is so involved in our lives, in the details of every minute thing, and not because He wants to be a control freak, but because He loves, and that is why He lives: love.
"Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation. let us come before him with THANKSGIVING and extol him with music and song. for the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. in his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. the sea is HIS for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. come let us BOW down in worship, let us KNEEL before the Lord our Maker; for HE is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care."
all of us experience moments where those bolded letters come to life- BOWING and kneeling. where we have this deep hurt or anxiety or even praise where we can only think to get on our knees in worship. i love these verses & need constantly to be reminded of them, especially this week. so if you talk to me this week, say psalm 95. haha.
next topic: new year's resolutions. i have a few:
1. LOVE. others. first. above myself. and love others better. love GOD first and foremost in my heart.

2. COFFEE. drink only coffee with splenda...no creamer! AH this is a challenge. i love my creamer and splenda with coffee.

3. PRAY. give my requests to the Lord, give EVERYTHING to Him, and pray. simply pray. and pray for others- friends co-workers.

4. STUDY. stick w/my studying for GRE and continuing education. and study the Word more often...and actually stick with a good Bible study.
5. ENCOURAGE. open my eyes to the hurt around me, friends and co workers and encourage.
6. train better for the marathon than i did the first time...i think my dad is going to do it and will probably get a better time and not even train.
7. hydrate. drink more water.

8. hold my tongue. try not to complain as much and try not to gossip and get caught up in drama.
that's all i can think of for now!!
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