so a friend called me this morning and really encouraged me with some lyrics of a song. her phone call and others the past few days have been a provision and blessing from the Lord in directing my heart back to Him when it wants to wander so quickly to other things for satisfaction. the lyrics come from jesus i my cross have taken...these are the verses that stood out in my mind as i listened to this song this morning:
Jesus, I my cross have taken,
All to leave and follow Thee;
Destitute, despised, forsaken,
Thou from hence my All shalt be.
Perish every fond ambition,
All I've sought or hoped or known;
Yet how rich is my condition!
God and heaven are still my own.
Man may trouble and distress me,
'Twill but drive me to Thy breast;
Life with trials hard may press me,
Heaven will bring me sweeter rest.
Oh, 'tis not in grief to harm me
While Thy love is left to me;
Oh, 'twere not in joy to charm me
Were that joy unmixed with Thee.
Haste, then, on from grace to glory,
Armed by faith and winged by prayer;
Heaven's eternal day's before thee,
God's own hand shall guide thee there.
Soon shall close the earthly mission,
Swift shall pass thy pilgrim days,
Hope soon change to glad fruition,
Faith to sight, and prayer to praise.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
i am battling with so much and feel weighed down. not knowing the next step in my life not knowing what to do. i feel so alone and broken. i share my struggles in hopes that they clear my mind and can encourage others. the good i see in it is something i am grateful for and want to praise God for even in the pain. i feel God's presence in my heart more than ever. i know He is working and He is directing my every step. He is near to me and i am comforted by that. but what a constant battle i have daily to actually see that and want to believe it out of my sinful nature. sometimes i feel it would be easier for me to not see it or not believe it. but how close my God keeps me is amazing and changes my heart to want to know Him more. i have so much on my heart right now. i daily want to take each and everything to Him and present them before Him...knowing that He already knows everything, but reminding me what a loving and compassionate and personal God i can come to. i'm learning a lot from hard things. i'm learning to communicate, to be vulnerable, to say something when i need to, to speak my mind and my feelings, to not bottle up things inside until i explode. to rest in that people and first and foremost Christ could love me first and want me. these are all things i am considering and listening to grateful for your love by ellie holcomb. i'm sure i have already written her lyrics on this blog, but i love them here they are:
"Love is an Ocean
Hope is a Promise
Light is overtaking
Grace is overwhelming.
You chased us into the dark and Lord we're grateful, oh we're grateful
You captured our hearts with your love, Oh Lord you're Faithful, You are Faithful.
Nothing we've ever done was too much for you to handle on the cross
We're grateful for your love.
Weight is lifted
Mercy tore the curtain
Sin is no master
Freedom calls our name.
Life is granted
Chains have been broken."
-Ellie Holcomb, Grateful for Your Love -Magnolia EP
"Love is an Ocean
Hope is a Promise
Light is overtaking
Grace is overwhelming.
You chased us into the dark and Lord we're grateful, oh we're grateful
You captured our hearts with your love, Oh Lord you're Faithful, You are Faithful.
Nothing we've ever done was too much for you to handle on the cross
We're grateful for your love.
Weight is lifted
Mercy tore the curtain
Sin is no master
Freedom calls our name.
Life is granted
Chains have been broken."
-Ellie Holcomb, Grateful for Your Love -Magnolia EP
Monday, December 12, 2011
choosing to believe this today
today. right now marks talking with my God. bringing HIM my concerns and worries. talking to HIM first. seeking HIM. how selfish i am with my thoughts and voice to not talk with the One who loves me and created me to do so and to glorify Him with all that i am. thank you Lord for speaking these words to me today.
“I am working on your behalf. Bring me all your concerns, including your dreams. Talk with Me about everything, letting the Light of My Presence shine on Your hopes and plans. Spend time allowing My Light to infuse your dreams with life, gradually transforming them into reality. This is a very practical way of collaborating with Me. I, the Creator of the universe, have deigned to co-create with you. Do not try to hurry this process. If you want to work with Me, you have to accept My time frame. Hurry is not in My nature. Abraham and Sarah had to wait many years for the fulfillment of My promise, a son. How their long wait intensified their enjoyment of this child! Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.”
“I am working on your behalf. Bring me all your concerns, including your dreams. Talk with Me about everything, letting the Light of My Presence shine on Your hopes and plans. Spend time allowing My Light to infuse your dreams with life, gradually transforming them into reality. This is a very practical way of collaborating with Me. I, the Creator of the universe, have deigned to co-create with you. Do not try to hurry this process. If you want to work with Me, you have to accept My time frame. Hurry is not in My nature. Abraham and Sarah had to wait many years for the fulfillment of My promise, a son. How their long wait intensified their enjoyment of this child! Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.”
Monday, December 5, 2011

so this past weekend was the st jude half marathon. SUCH a fun day! on the way there, i always get nervous and my stomach gets in all kinds of knots. thankfully my dad took me again this year and dropped me off while he went to the peabody to grab a hearty breakfast and i froze with the chilly wind blowing as i anxiously waited in my corral. the weather was beautiful, even though it was a tad cold. the worst part of it is the waiting. the morning of the race, everyone is so eager to get to running and it seems like we are waiting an eternity to cross the starting line and make our way 13.1 miles! (or 26.2). i ran into two friends which was great and helped settle some of my anxiousness. finally, around 8:14 am, my corral came to the starting line...and we were off! my goal was to run about a 9:40-9:45 mile, and i ended up doing about a 9:01 mile...and finished in 1:57:56...i think a personal best! long runs for me have become praise sessions lately. as much pain and struggle as i sometimes feel and feel like i can't continue any further, i have been listening to more and more worship music. this has brought so much encouragement in my running, because instead of thinking about the struggling and that i can't sometimes breathe well, i find myself being reminded to praise and thank the Lord for everything in my life and who He is in my life. which alluding to reality, it makes me think of our Christian walk/"run"/growth, where even in the hard things and struggles, we are called to give the Lord everything and to praise Him and be thankful in all things. i am signed up for the nashville country music half in april! hopefully running with my cousin...who is also now addicted to running! a song to download for inspirational running- waiting here for you by the passion band.
i have been amazed this past week at the Lord's provision in my life. last week was one of the hardest i have been through in a while, and even though it was difficult, it was humbling in that it turned my attentions to Him and to rely solely on Him. i constantly thought last week OK Lord i know you don't give me more than i can handle, but this sure seems like more right now! but He is faithful even in my doubting. so much was going on last week, it became a blur. something someone said to me recently (older wiser advice) was sometimes when we are listening for what the Lord wants, our thoughts cloud our thinking and sometimes we want to talk to a bunch of people and try to hear the answer we think we need to hear, but she said the one way that the Lord has truly made His presence known and spoken to her was when she was walking and by herself and she was just simply PRAISING God and being quiet in her mind...and the Lord calmed her and she knew He was there and speaking to her in the quietness.
so many things to learn about our Savior and His workings in our lives. i am humbled that He so desires to know us and know our hearts.
yay successful run...check. paper...almost check. finals...coming soon! happy monday!!! and beginning of december! 20 days until CHRISTMAS!
Monday, November 21, 2011
fellowship with the Spirit...&catching up
well this past weekend was a much needed weekend of staying in nashvegas. i ended up being busy & having a little relaxation time. friday night i saw twilight....i am always in shambles of whether i am on team jacob or team edward. and one thing to know is that i never finished the book series. i only read the first 2 1/2 ish. i can't even remember. i got on a roll of reading them one time, and then all of the sudden as i was reading i couldn't help but think how weird they were becoming? anyway, i'm glad i saw the movie though because it was definitely the best one so far. the acting was good & there was a lot of humor in it which made it more enjoyable. i love edward and his attractiveness and beauty but i also love jacob for his heart and warmth. talk about contrasting people. then saturday i did my long run...which the st jude 1/2 is SO CLOSE i can feel it...only one or two more long runs to go...then i ran some errands, and went to a bonfire at my friend's house for a kairos group. ummm can i say that i pretty much rocked it at cornhole? actually, i am only somewhat good, but i rocked it because i realized how fun that game is! then sunday i went to a new sunday school class w/a friend and the worship service was amazing as always & i tried to be productive in working on a paper and made a dessert for Bible study tonight. PUMPKIN TRIFLE. yummy. well a short work week which i am so happy about and THANKSGIVING and a break and time at home.
oh yeah- and why the fellowship in the Spirit in the title? because we talked about it yesterday in sunday school...but i'm thinking about it alot and romans 8---
think about fellowshipping in the sounds so intimate...that Christ not only gives a way to that fellowship but that He WANTS and DESIRES that fellowship with us, that time with us. if we could even grasp how this could change our hearts and give us more of a desire for Him. read romans 8!
oh yeah- and why the fellowship in the Spirit in the title? because we talked about it yesterday in sunday school...but i'm thinking about it alot and romans 8---
think about fellowshipping in the sounds so intimate...that Christ not only gives a way to that fellowship but that He WANTS and DESIRES that fellowship with us, that time with us. if we could even grasp how this could change our hearts and give us more of a desire for Him. read romans 8!
Sunday, November 20, 2011

im so excited about needtobreathe's tour for their cd the reckoning. if you haven't already bought need to. asap.
they are coming to nash in feb and i had to buy tickets!!!
this weekend has gone by so fast...i've been productive with school stuff, saw twilight (the only word i have for it to summarize is WEIRD), ran a bunch of errands, squeezed in a long run, went to a bonfire with a group from kairos, and now am catching up on some more school stuff & making a dessert for bible study tomorrow. and a HALF week this week!! i am done at noon wednesday and get to go home :) yay.
happy sunday & thanksgiving week!!! can't believe it is already here.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
all my fountains are in you, God
loving this song...
GREAT worship experience at kairos the other night, and they played this song. it opens your eyes to new worship and singing and praise to God :)
loving this song...
GREAT worship experience at kairos the other night, and they played this song. it opens your eyes to new worship and singing and praise to God :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
life lately
school has taken over my life the past 2 weeks. i feel like after i've finished one assignment i move to the next. this past week i had a little bit of a chaotic work week on top of chaotic school stuff going thursday i decided to pack up my car to be ready to head home on friday after i got done with patients. and i made the drive home i feel like i can unwind and relax. i had 2 assignments to finish, but i feel like at home i was going to be more productive than if i had stayed in nashville. don't ask me why, but sometimes you just need "home". another reason why i am a homebody. under stress, i would rather be at home. i would rather be sitting at my kitchen table with the noise and bustle of 2 dogs and my mom and dad talking auburn football or about the paper or about the dogs, etc. so it was a productive weekend and i'm grateful i can go home.
the sermon my pastor gave yesterday was probably the best sermon i have ever heard in my entire life. it made me realize what a great pastor he is and how he presents the message in an understandable and convicting way that leads you into wanting to apply it and know the Lord more. listen to it at under media/sermon messages under 11/13/2011---it may not be up yet. but it is called "you are the man: unwarriored".
well this week will not be as stressful with school stuff as last week, although i have a couple of smaller assignments due. i also have a big paper due after thanksgiving break which stinks!!
other things to look forward to: thanksgiving---1 week and 2 days, YAY. and a half day of work the 23rd and off 24th,25th...i am so looking forward to that. this weekend- relax, catch up on school, KSA bonfire!! TWILIGHT!!!, and eligible for the iphone nov 30...and the 1/2 marathon in memphis dec 3rd---ready to get that OVER WITH.
happy monday!!!
the sermon my pastor gave yesterday was probably the best sermon i have ever heard in my entire life. it made me realize what a great pastor he is and how he presents the message in an understandable and convicting way that leads you into wanting to apply it and know the Lord more. listen to it at under media/sermon messages under 11/13/2011---it may not be up yet. but it is called "you are the man: unwarriored".
well this week will not be as stressful with school stuff as last week, although i have a couple of smaller assignments due. i also have a big paper due after thanksgiving break which stinks!!
other things to look forward to: thanksgiving---1 week and 2 days, YAY. and a half day of work the 23rd and off 24th,25th...i am so looking forward to that. this weekend- relax, catch up on school, KSA bonfire!! TWILIGHT!!!, and eligible for the iphone nov 30...and the 1/2 marathon in memphis dec 3rd---ready to get that OVER WITH.
happy monday!!!
Monday, November 7, 2011
spurgeon nugget for monday :)
i am loving getting back to reading morning and evening by charles spurgeon. this book was such an encouragement to me my freshman/sophomore year in college. i feel like every word in this book is so uplifting and always seems to apply to my life at that time. this morning's devotion was especially encouraging:
this past weekend was very relaxing and much needed! friday i had to work & then chilled & cleaned up my apartment & went to see the ides of march. it was an ok movie other than the f word and other unnecessary content. the 2 reasons i saw it were ryan gosling & it was a political movie, which i thought was interesting. saturday i sortof slept in & my bff katie came from memphis to visit! it seems like we drove around all weekend, but we went to leiper's fork, downtown franklin to shop & eat, and relaxed & watched the al/lsu game. yesterday we went to church and back to downtown franklin to buy each others' christmas gifts---an amazing smelling candle. we got the same scent...loving it. we both have obsessions w/candles...and perfume.
well back to a monday. find encouragement in the words of the day (morning) from charles spurgeon.
Monday, October 31, 2011
a very eventful, unforgettable weekend!
so this weekend was the wedding of brad & amanda, some great friends from back in high school. it was SUCH a fun celebration and great weekend of spending time with them and our friend group. although it was busy, it was soooo worth every busy second. i drove to memphis thursday after work, and friday went to the bridesmaid's luncheon at owen-brennan's. it was a sweet time with the mob and mother-in-law and bridesmaids! we also received the BEST bridesmaid's gifts ever----1) anthropologie mugs. 2)....TAYLOR SWIFT TIX!!!! awesome!!! so of course, we were all very excited.
then friday night was the rehearsal & dinner @ the butcher shop. Yummy!
and saturday...WEDDING DAY!!!! the weather was absolutely perfect. the church was beautiful, it was a worshipful ceremony and service, and short and sweet. the reception was amazing---and beautifully decorated...and of course, there had to be
oh...the weekend continued with more fun...the TSWIFT concert!!!!
and can i say that i was just as excited that needtobreathe was opening for her? what!!!!
and this morning, i had to come back to nashville...and work :( but made it to monday night madness, which is always a blast. on our menu tonight- taco soup & halloween treats.
ready to relax...and rest this week...and catch up on school stuff.
happy halloween!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
i loveeeee this & love this song and the lyrics.
this song makes us focus on Christ...and it makes the Gospel come to life. it also reminds me of the power of prayer which i take for so granted so often...that God hears and answers my prayers.
this song makes us focus on Christ...and it makes the Gospel come to life. it also reminds me of the power of prayer which i take for so granted so often...that God hears and answers my prayers.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
looking ahead
so i feel that lately i have been so stressed, and i think it is the busyness of work these days (kids being on fall break)--a constant busy schedule @ work where some days i barely have a chance to take a deep breath and relax---school and midterms coming up with lots of reading and keeping track of the 2 online classes i'm currently taking---and weekends of traveling back and forth to memphis, a fun-filled friends' wedding weekend fast approaching, and all of the other crazy parts of life. stress is really not a positive way of putting it. i enjoy what i do and the millions of kids i feel like i see every day! and i enjoy school. i enjoy going to memphis & i definitely enjoy the happyness of weddings! stress comes when i think about it too much and it fills my brain. and when i'm constantly writing things in my planner- almost OCD-like- and when i don't take the time to rest. so right now @ 3:43 in the afternoon i am at panera, i just finished studying and reading from a public health book, & i am chilling. i was supposed to go to auburn this past weekend (very bummed i didn't go) but this weekend was a good weekend to try and relax...although i did take some study breaks along the way. the past few months i have been back and forth to memphis and my poor car has racked up some mileage. so i decided (sadly) i would try to be productive and relax in nashvegas. good decision. but sad tomorrow is already monday! this week is a little crazy. williamson county fall break is's birthday is thursday...michael w's birthday is friday...amanda's lingerie shower is saturday...and midterms!!! i'm excited & a tad overwhelmed! i love birthdays...i feel like every birthday should have a week long celebration. actually i firmly believe that.
so here is to birthday week (s) for 2 of my favorites:

i can't wait to be in memphis this weekend. & tonight is a cookout for the sunday school at brentwood baptist i've been too a few times called going deeper. i'm excited about it & excited about a conference that is coming to brentwood baptist about studying the Bible and going deeper. i'm also excited about taylor swift the end of this month in memphis!!!! and excited auburn beat florida gators!!! and i am loving fall!
so here is to birthday week (s) for 2 of my favorites:

i can't wait to be in memphis this weekend. & tonight is a cookout for the sunday school at brentwood baptist i've been too a few times called going deeper. i'm excited about it & excited about a conference that is coming to brentwood baptist about studying the Bible and going deeper. i'm also excited about taylor swift the end of this month in memphis!!!! and excited auburn beat florida gators!!! and i am loving fall!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
what does your Bible look like?
so lately i have been thinking a lot lately about the "worn-ness" of my Bible. i recently bought a new one at lifeway because i wanted the esv it has not looked that "worn", but i think about my life and is it a reflection of how i KNOW the Lord through His Word? how will i testify to the eternal life He has given me and the promises i know unless i spend time with Him in prayer and in reading His Word. so this week i've been thinking more about being in tune with Him through reading. i tend to pray a lot during the day @ work, just that the Lord would give me strength. or the Lord would help me love this person. or the Lord would just get me through that next patient who may be really difficult. but when it comes to studying and meditating on His Words that are in the Bible by my bedside table, do i really know Him through this? am i really seeking Him first? so what does your Bible look like, and how does your life reflect it? i feel like i am stretching this a little legalistically, but what got me thinking about it was the older people i know who are strong Christians, especially the older women that i know. and honestly, when I've talked with them or been at their homes, i notice how worn their Bible is. corners and pages are simply worn down. they look weathered. and i've thought this week about how that is a great reflection of their faith...and that they love the Bible! how much do we really spend in studying the Bible and His truth and words to us?
Monday, October 10, 2011
3 weeks...and counting
this past weekend was amanda and brad's stock the bar shower @ amanda's uncle's house. can i just tell you the house was amazingggggg the food was amazing the whole party was such a great time. weekends go by so fast. michael and i are always running around like crazy when i'm in town. friday night we went to styx w/rachel and paul. saturday we rode bikes and ran errands. saturday night was the shower- which amanda and brad stocked up on some great wine & liquor. the next 2 weeks are going to be crazy w/school and midterms coming up...a lingerie shower for amanda in 2 weeks, dad's birthday, michael w's birthday, and then....the big day for amanda- it is getting so close!
here's to a busy work week & school week...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
well last weekend i made the 3 hour car ride to memphis for a short visit. saturday my friend and i were planning on surprising my "sister" aka katie with a birthday event, but instead our shindig got somewhat changed and we ended up on a hunt to find her after celebrating another friend's birthday before. all in all, we were successful!

here are some other pics to summarize the weekend.

this coming weekend= a shower for amanda followed by the next weekend's trip to auburn, then another shower the next weekend, and finally the WEDDING!! this week i have been busy trying to work ahead with school & READ a ton. i have 7 articles pulled up in my tabs to erad tonight :(
also, my Bible study on monday nights just started studying ephesians. if you haven't done this yet, you should read some of john piper's resources and study through them. he has sermons and downloads for every book of the Bible. his stuff is deep, but it is not too deep and over your heads. he also makes it so it is applicable in your life. at auburn, my friends and i studied through ruth, and i feel like that study came at such the perfect time in my life and was such a blessing! go check his website out
happy tuesday!!
PS---i am seeing drew holcomb and the neighbors thursday night at live on the green!!!! SO PUMPED!!!!
here are some other pics to summarize the weekend.

this coming weekend= a shower for amanda followed by the next weekend's trip to auburn, then another shower the next weekend, and finally the WEDDING!! this week i have been busy trying to work ahead with school & READ a ton. i have 7 articles pulled up in my tabs to erad tonight :(
also, my Bible study on monday nights just started studying ephesians. if you haven't done this yet, you should read some of john piper's resources and study through them. he has sermons and downloads for every book of the Bible. his stuff is deep, but it is not too deep and over your heads. he also makes it so it is applicable in your life. at auburn, my friends and i studied through ruth, and i feel like that study came at such the perfect time in my life and was such a blessing! go check his website out
happy tuesday!!
PS---i am seeing drew holcomb and the neighbors thursday night at live on the green!!!! SO PUMPED!!!!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
great book recommendation
it has been a while since i blogged last. hopefully the next few weeks will be more exciting in my life. i have been swamped with school stuff- reading and writing. these next few weekends will be fun and jam-packed!
a book i have started reading is comforts from the cross by elyse fitzpatrick. i am almost halfway through. it is sortof a devotion book, and it is just what the title says- comforts from the cross. it focuses a lot on the Gospel and how it applies in your daily life in the pursuit of godliness. everyone needs to get this!
the next few weekends will be filled with wedding shower extravaganzas for mans,

a trip to auburn w/kates,

and mans and brad's wedding!

october is also birthday month for dad, michael my bro, and michael my b.f. october is a crazy month! not to mention work + school.
happy tuesday, and i can't wait for friday to get here- what a long week!
a book i have started reading is comforts from the cross by elyse fitzpatrick. i am almost halfway through. it is sortof a devotion book, and it is just what the title says- comforts from the cross. it focuses a lot on the Gospel and how it applies in your daily life in the pursuit of godliness. everyone needs to get this!
the next few weekends will be filled with wedding shower extravaganzas for mans,
a trip to auburn w/kates,
and mans and brad's wedding!
october is also birthday month for dad, michael my bro, and michael my b.f. october is a crazy month! not to mention work + school.
happy tuesday, and i can't wait for friday to get here- what a long week!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
hard things in life
so this past weekend, i had to experience some of the hardest things i probably have ever had to experience in my 24 years. let me preface the weekend by telling you news i heard last sunday night and how i've been dealing with it since then. my mom called me last sunday to tell me some news i thought i would never hear about a close relative or friend when she called to tell me my cousin had been killed in a car accident from falling asleep at the wheel. i felt in shock and just restless after she told me. all i could think to myself was "why?" and "really, this is real?" now, to preface the atmosphere and everything that happened this weekend, my family was always pretty close with my mom's side of the extended family. we always seemed to visit them every year at least see them in the summers and on holidays. so to me, those cousins and that extended family was one i knew more growing up. i have such great memories of going to that small town in alabama and going to my grandmother's house and literally having NOTHING to do there but play in the dirt and run around the graveyard across the street from her house. she had a shed in the back yard, and she would put piles of tupperware bowls, baking supplies, and utensils and tell us to go to this dirt patch under a tree and play and "bake" and make things out of the dirt. ha, talk about an experience growing up. we would roll for HOURS down a hill laying down on our sides until we were dizzy and made ourselves sick. we would play in ant farms and run around carefree in her zero lot line yard. thankfully, my cousins and aunt and uncle lived down the road and we could go over there OFTEN and jump on their trampoline, ride bikes, rollerblade, play with more dirt, play with their dog, play in their pool, play the old school nintendo. i miss that childhood i knew :( i miss the simplicity of life and what life brought with family during those times. it seems like every year past your childhood, everything changes, especially dynamics with family. as we grew up, it seemed like we grew apart. we still had family ties and love for one another, but it seemed different every time we would visit or they would visit us. like everyone knew we were all growing up and things were going to be different. this past weekend was the visitation and funeral for my cousin. my mom dad brother and i all met in small town alabama friday to visit with extended family and enter into the process of grieving---grieving that i have never experienced before and was not expecting. i think the fact that i was not expecting it and that it totally took me off guard made the weekend even more emotional. saturday was the visitation and private time for the family. it amazed me that even under the awful circumstances that we were all having the privilege of seeing each other, i was so thankful to be there. i was thankful for every single person there. there was so much love the entire weekend. i think everyone was realizing during all of the time we had together saturday to not take anyone for granted...any friendship, relationship, family member, etc. i found myself saying i love you to so many people. grief is a hard concept for me to grasp. i am not an emotional person at all. i tend to keep it all in and then if something triggers those emotions i've been holding in, it's like the flood waters come rushing in. but this past weekend i felt something deeper than sadness. i felt that deep gut pain and grief, something i hope i never have to experience again. i can still hear the cries of my aunt and uncle and my cousin's 2 siblings who are grown and have kids. i can hear them crying out in so much pain and hurt. sunday was the day of the funeral. my cousin's older sibling played his guitar- "when i get where i'm going" and the pastor and wife sang. i think at that point everyone in that church was sobbing. grief is a hard concept because as much pain as it causes, there is also hope as a believer. there is hope of eternal life and hopefully eternal life with Jesus. i think this weekend was also a learning experience for me and a huge transition into adulthood for me that came in the form of grieving and mourning for a loved one. 1) it taught me not to take any day or any one for granted in my life 2) it taught me to not complain or at least hold the complaints in 3) it taught me to rethink my priorities in life...what/who am i living for? 4) to live each day as if it is my last. all of these are yes, definitely cliches. they were always hard for me to swallow before this past weekend because i would think "ok i've heard these a million times, blah blah" but really, think of their importance and how fleeting our lives are.
who & what are you living for? what are your priorities? tell the ones you care about and who are important in your life that you love them and you are thankful for them daily.
who & what are you living for? what are your priorities? tell the ones you care about and who are important in your life that you love them and you are thankful for them daily.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
so right now i'm at panera, drinking coffee and attempting to read for school. which has kindof been successful but frustrating all in the same. my epidemiology class is getting frustrating already with math problems- ah!
i have been thinking a lot lately about life, health, and how much i take for granted and about my salvation. and let me preface my deepness with what has happened the past few days. well september 11 obviously was sunday and remembering the victims and their families was very sad and put life in perspective as tragedies like that do. and i also got a phone call i would never have expected from my mom that day. i had just finished playing volleyball and my home number had called several times. usually that is when my mom is trying to figure out something on the computer or she has a pressing question about my cell phone bill or something...well i called her back after playing and was on the way to a friend's apt to eat dinner. she told me i might need to pull over so she could tell me something. i knew the solemnness in her voice and it just made me really nervous. i pulled over in a parking lot and she told me that my youngest cousin had died that morning in a car accident. my heart sank and i just felt a sadness i haven't felt in a long time come over me...and sadness for my aunt and uncle and my mom's whole side of the family. growing up, my brother and i were always closest to that side of the family. i feel like we were able to see them a lot and my cousin (blaine) and i were close in age. when my mom told me that news, i didn't know how to respond. blaine was in california at the time, he had been living there for a while. all i could think about was his age and that it couldn't even be real. deaths like that i can't even fathom because of his age. i just think about how short his life was, but how our lives on this earth are like a speck.
i think of and am reminded of God's goodness. He is GOOD and loving. even through this time of hurt and pain. the kind of pain my aunt and uncle are going through is the most intense pain i think a parent can ever feel. the kind that is an intense deep hurt where you have to do everything in your power to keep yourself together.
as ive been reading and studying, i've been listening to jj heller. i love this song by her:
I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn't there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That You would take my pain away
That You would take my pain away
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crookedly lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands
When You walked upon the Earth
You healed the broken, lost, and hurt
I know You hate to see me cry
One day You will set all things right
Yea, one day You will set all things right
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands
Your hands
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
i have been thinking a lot lately about life, health, and how much i take for granted and about my salvation. and let me preface my deepness with what has happened the past few days. well september 11 obviously was sunday and remembering the victims and their families was very sad and put life in perspective as tragedies like that do. and i also got a phone call i would never have expected from my mom that day. i had just finished playing volleyball and my home number had called several times. usually that is when my mom is trying to figure out something on the computer or she has a pressing question about my cell phone bill or something...well i called her back after playing and was on the way to a friend's apt to eat dinner. she told me i might need to pull over so she could tell me something. i knew the solemnness in her voice and it just made me really nervous. i pulled over in a parking lot and she told me that my youngest cousin had died that morning in a car accident. my heart sank and i just felt a sadness i haven't felt in a long time come over me...and sadness for my aunt and uncle and my mom's whole side of the family. growing up, my brother and i were always closest to that side of the family. i feel like we were able to see them a lot and my cousin (blaine) and i were close in age. when my mom told me that news, i didn't know how to respond. blaine was in california at the time, he had been living there for a while. all i could think about was his age and that it couldn't even be real. deaths like that i can't even fathom because of his age. i just think about how short his life was, but how our lives on this earth are like a speck.
i think of and am reminded of God's goodness. He is GOOD and loving. even through this time of hurt and pain. the kind of pain my aunt and uncle are going through is the most intense pain i think a parent can ever feel. the kind that is an intense deep hurt where you have to do everything in your power to keep yourself together.
as ive been reading and studying, i've been listening to jj heller. i love this song by her:
I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn't there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That You would take my pain away
That You would take my pain away
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crookedly lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands
When You walked upon the Earth
You healed the broken, lost, and hurt
I know You hate to see me cry
One day You will set all things right
Yea, one day You will set all things right
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands
Your hands
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
Sunday, September 11, 2011
remembering 9/11
i can't believe the attacks on the world trade center & pentagon happened 10 years ago today. as many of you do, i remember the exact place i was and what i was doing and my reaction to what happened. i was in PE and we were getting ready to leave, when the announcement came over the intercome. i think my first reaction was some shock and then concern because that day my dad was on a trip flying and i remember feeling so scared.
this morning, i'm watching tv- as america remembers 9/11. it is a solemn remembrance, but also a joyful remembrance in that everyone who has been interviewed says over and over again that NY is stronger, this country is stronger because of 9/11. it reminds me in a way of the desperation and sadness we find ourselves in in our human condition and sin, yet God restores our souls and rescues us and gives us hope. This article gives insight from 9/11 and how it affected our nation and the church. i enjoy reading my pastor back home's blog. read over this article! and then visit his blog.
if anything, remembering 9/11 gives perspective to anyone's life. what we prioritize, what we take for granted, why we are living, whom we are living for, etc. take time today to prioritize and be grateful. on a side note, a verse to share today: romans 8:6 for to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
this morning, i'm watching tv- as america remembers 9/11. it is a solemn remembrance, but also a joyful remembrance in that everyone who has been interviewed says over and over again that NY is stronger, this country is stronger because of 9/11. it reminds me in a way of the desperation and sadness we find ourselves in in our human condition and sin, yet God restores our souls and rescues us and gives us hope. This article gives insight from 9/11 and how it affected our nation and the church. i enjoy reading my pastor back home's blog. read over this article! and then visit his blog.
if anything, remembering 9/11 gives perspective to anyone's life. what we prioritize, what we take for granted, why we are living, whom we are living for, etc. take time today to prioritize and be grateful. on a side note, a verse to share today: romans 8:6 for to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
some e elliott wisdom
"in fact, i do believe these great things we say and sing together, then these little things (and what is not little by comparison?) will be taken care of....wherever you are, be all there. live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God. it is within the sphere of the circumstances He chooses for us- single, married, widowed-that we receive Him. it is there and nowhere else that He makes Himself known to us. it is there we are allowed to serve Him. single life may be only a stage of a life's journey, but even a stage is a gift. God may replace it with another gift, but the receiver accepts His gifts with thanksgiving. This gift for this day. the life of faith is lived one day at a time, and it has to be lived- not always looked forward to as though the "real" living were around the next corner. it is today for which we are responsible. God still owns tomorrow"
Thursday, September 1, 2011
the US open!

1st off, this has become my new fav site:
i am beginning a new obsession...and thanks to my co-worker who watches it in her "quiet room" dental hygiene room in between patients. this week, she has had the US open on tv every second she gets a chance. i will roll my chair in there (while she has a patient) and i'll prop my feet on the extra chair in her room and watch the tv that is hung from the ceiling. since i am just now starting to follow, i'm having my co-worker tell me sortof who to follow. she has told me to really get into it, i need to pick 1 player to "follow" and then i start to learn about the players and more about that player i want to follow. so i chose djokovic...and rafa nadal. novak djokovic--picture above--- is from serbia...i think nadal is spain. i absolutely love the game of tennis. i have loved it since i played in high school. the thing that amazes me about watching it on tv is watching the power in their strokes and serves. i also love that it is such a mental game and major physical game. i mean andy roddick serving a tennis ball @ 135 mph? what?!
i also love roger federer. can you believe how young some of these men and women are who play? the girl who is the number 1 seed right now in women's singles is 21. wow. djokovic is my age! rafael nadal is 1 year older than me. here's his pic:

i also decided to follow as many tennis players as i knew their names on twitter. the twitter world still amazes me.
i am so excited about fall, the rest of the US open, auburn football starting this saturday, labor day weekend, & hopefully cooler weather! if you haven't gotten into the tennis matches, you should give it a chance. just fine 1 or 2 people you want to follow and go for it. there is much to learn about the tennis world and the different players- it is overwhelming!!!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
prayer, family- 2 keystones in my life
2 very important things that stand out to me during this time in my life are: 1- prayer. and my relationship with my Heavenly Father.
2- my family. the signficance of family, and specifically my own family. how much they mean to me and the support and love my parents bless me with.
tonight i had a great conversation with one of my friends from home. we have not had the chance to talk in a while and i have missed our conversations, because she is a true encouragement and blessing in my life. the Lord has used her in my life in powerful ways. i am thankful for our chats and how i know the Lord can be central to a person's life and to a friendship. tonight we talked about prayer and how we both right now are in different places of little faith and trust. prayer is such a hard concept to grasp and understand. the more i think about prayer and actually do it, though, the more i am aware of God's existence and presence. that who i am talking to is an omnicient and omnipotent God. that who i am talking to is all loving and all just. he is perfect. he is holy. and righteous. and merciful. and faithful. i think over the recent past, my prayer relationship with God has changed. prayer may or may not change my circumstance the way i would like, but it for sure changes my perspective of the Lord and of my relationship with Him. it makes me step back and re-evaluate WHO it is i am praying to and what He does and is doing and has done on my behalf. we were talking about how we have been praying for one of our best friends for the past several months about a decision she was trying to make about what to do with her life and where to go, and how now she has moved- which was the major decision for her...but how that whole time we were praying for her, God was orchestrating all of it. and how emotionally uplifting it was for our sweet friend to know she had people praying for her...and how even MORE uplifting it is for us as believers to know the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in prayer. "intercedes" in Biblical usage means: (just found this tidbit from Biblegateway)
Intercession of the Spirit
(Rom. 8:26, 27; John 14:26). "Christ is a royal Priest (Zech. 6:13). From the same throne, as King, he dispenses his Spirit to all the objects of his care, while as Priest he intercedes for them. The Spirit acts for him, taking only of his things. They both act with one consent, Christ as principal, the Spirit as his agent. Christ intercedes for us, without us, as our advocate in heaven, according to the provisions of the everlasting covenant. The Holy Spirit works upon our minds and hearts, enlightening and quickening, and thus determining our desires 'according to the will of God,' as our advocate within us. The work of the one is complementary to that of the other, and together they form a complete whole.", Hodge's Outlines of Theology.
i am in awe of my loving Father...
which brings me to the second thing i am recently very thankful for and that is my family. i am so thankful for my parents and brother. i am thankful for the foundation my parents have laid for my life and the childhood i had. i have been blessed beyond words with a wonderful family. i think about adoption a lot and about families (because of my job) and the kids i see daily who have struggling families/parents/backgrounds/etc...and i take my family for granted so often. in terms of adoption, i am in awe of where i am and where i could have been...that the Lord had a grand plan for my life and has filled my brain with knowledge of Himself, of His Word, His Gospel, His love, etc, and my purpose alone is to serve and glorify Him and share those things my brain is filled with...the fact that i grew up knowing these truths and could have been in a totally different country and place is beyond my imagination. my parents are both individually the most selfless and loving people i know.
these 2 things right now are definitely keystones and foundations. and i am so thankful.
if you don't have this song already, go to itunes and buy "holy is the Lord" by bethany dillon. great stuff.
back to reading for my masters program. pretty much my life consists of work and school.
2- my family. the signficance of family, and specifically my own family. how much they mean to me and the support and love my parents bless me with.
tonight i had a great conversation with one of my friends from home. we have not had the chance to talk in a while and i have missed our conversations, because she is a true encouragement and blessing in my life. the Lord has used her in my life in powerful ways. i am thankful for our chats and how i know the Lord can be central to a person's life and to a friendship. tonight we talked about prayer and how we both right now are in different places of little faith and trust. prayer is such a hard concept to grasp and understand. the more i think about prayer and actually do it, though, the more i am aware of God's existence and presence. that who i am talking to is an omnicient and omnipotent God. that who i am talking to is all loving and all just. he is perfect. he is holy. and righteous. and merciful. and faithful. i think over the recent past, my prayer relationship with God has changed. prayer may or may not change my circumstance the way i would like, but it for sure changes my perspective of the Lord and of my relationship with Him. it makes me step back and re-evaluate WHO it is i am praying to and what He does and is doing and has done on my behalf. we were talking about how we have been praying for one of our best friends for the past several months about a decision she was trying to make about what to do with her life and where to go, and how now she has moved- which was the major decision for her...but how that whole time we were praying for her, God was orchestrating all of it. and how emotionally uplifting it was for our sweet friend to know she had people praying for her...and how even MORE uplifting it is for us as believers to know the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in prayer. "intercedes" in Biblical usage means: (just found this tidbit from Biblegateway)
Intercession of the Spirit
(Rom. 8:26, 27; John 14:26). "Christ is a royal Priest (Zech. 6:13). From the same throne, as King, he dispenses his Spirit to all the objects of his care, while as Priest he intercedes for them. The Spirit acts for him, taking only of his things. They both act with one consent, Christ as principal, the Spirit as his agent. Christ intercedes for us, without us, as our advocate in heaven, according to the provisions of the everlasting covenant. The Holy Spirit works upon our minds and hearts, enlightening and quickening, and thus determining our desires 'according to the will of God,' as our advocate within us. The work of the one is complementary to that of the other, and together they form a complete whole.", Hodge's Outlines of Theology.
i am in awe of my loving Father...
which brings me to the second thing i am recently very thankful for and that is my family. i am so thankful for my parents and brother. i am thankful for the foundation my parents have laid for my life and the childhood i had. i have been blessed beyond words with a wonderful family. i think about adoption a lot and about families (because of my job) and the kids i see daily who have struggling families/parents/backgrounds/etc...and i take my family for granted so often. in terms of adoption, i am in awe of where i am and where i could have been...that the Lord had a grand plan for my life and has filled my brain with knowledge of Himself, of His Word, His Gospel, His love, etc, and my purpose alone is to serve and glorify Him and share those things my brain is filled with...the fact that i grew up knowing these truths and could have been in a totally different country and place is beyond my imagination. my parents are both individually the most selfless and loving people i know.
these 2 things right now are definitely keystones and foundations. and i am so thankful.
if you don't have this song already, go to itunes and buy "holy is the Lord" by bethany dillon. great stuff.
back to reading for my masters program. pretty much my life consists of work and school.
Monday, August 15, 2011
this post is untitled because nothing exciting has really happened. i decided to update the blog, however, because it seemed lonely and i haven't been into writing every day like i used to be. over the weekend i saw the movie the help. EVERYONE needs to see this movie. i want to see it a million more times and most likely buy it when it comes out on dvd. i love it so much. i laughed and cried the whole movie.
i had an interesting end of my week last week & into my weekend. it's sortof a long story, but i had a strange looking bug bite on my back last wednesday or thurs night, and knowing me, if i didn't get it looked at then it probably would have turned into being something really horrific. so that night when i noticed it, i decided to go over to the walgreens clinic and see if they could tell me what it was. it didn't look like a "normal" bug bite. so i went, and the nurse practitioner had no clue. she said it definitely wasn't normal and did not look like a mosquito bite. so she prescribed a steroid dose pack to help. the next morning i woke up and had like 8 new bug bites on my right upper back leg. strange, i thought, and wondered how over night i had acquired new bug bites. i called my mom & she and i were thinking the could be bed bugs?? THINKING as in hoping and praying it was not. but out of panic-ish anxiety and worry that that was what it was and out of my mom just giving good advice, we decided i should treat it like it was bug bites. needless to say, all of friday was spent vacuuming every square inch of my apartment, taking my bed and mattresses apart, vacuuming my mattresses, did multiple loads of laundry, flooded my laundry room because the pipe was messed up in the back of my washing machine, went to bed bath and beyond, target and lowe's for multiple protection supplies from bedbugs. so, my room is CLEAN, my apartment is clean and even though i lost sleep over the weekend, i feel like my life is finally back to normal.
i've also been playing a lot of vball lately. sand vball is where it's at. i have the new nickname of Big D or D or Dan. i love sand and i love vball. great combination.
this weekend is a friend's wedding---so excited i'll be making a trip home! grad school starts next week online....
i'm trying to think of more updates. i'm sure there will be more to come...stay tuned for more exciting news about my bed bug life.
i had an interesting end of my week last week & into my weekend. it's sortof a long story, but i had a strange looking bug bite on my back last wednesday or thurs night, and knowing me, if i didn't get it looked at then it probably would have turned into being something really horrific. so that night when i noticed it, i decided to go over to the walgreens clinic and see if they could tell me what it was. it didn't look like a "normal" bug bite. so i went, and the nurse practitioner had no clue. she said it definitely wasn't normal and did not look like a mosquito bite. so she prescribed a steroid dose pack to help. the next morning i woke up and had like 8 new bug bites on my right upper back leg. strange, i thought, and wondered how over night i had acquired new bug bites. i called my mom & she and i were thinking the could be bed bugs?? THINKING as in hoping and praying it was not. but out of panic-ish anxiety and worry that that was what it was and out of my mom just giving good advice, we decided i should treat it like it was bug bites. needless to say, all of friday was spent vacuuming every square inch of my apartment, taking my bed and mattresses apart, vacuuming my mattresses, did multiple loads of laundry, flooded my laundry room because the pipe was messed up in the back of my washing machine, went to bed bath and beyond, target and lowe's for multiple protection supplies from bedbugs. so, my room is CLEAN, my apartment is clean and even though i lost sleep over the weekend, i feel like my life is finally back to normal.
i've also been playing a lot of vball lately. sand vball is where it's at. i have the new nickname of Big D or D or Dan. i love sand and i love vball. great combination.
this weekend is a friend's wedding---so excited i'll be making a trip home! grad school starts next week online....
i'm trying to think of more updates. i'm sure there will be more to come...stay tuned for more exciting news about my bed bug life.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
a new journey
honestly, i dislike the word journey. i think it is way over used and i especially don't like it in the context of the bachelorette.
the "new journey" i want to describe to the blogging world that is happening in my life currently is the journey of developing a strengthened faith and trust in my Savior. my whole life, since i can remember, i have been saved. i have grown up in church and a Christian home and school. i know all of the right things, i have lots of KNOWLEDGE...but when it comes to actually BELIEVING God, i feel very lacking in this. i feel lacking in my faith and trust in His Power and the Power of His Holy Spirit working in my life.
to sortof develop the background of my journey, i just started reading a book by Beth Moore called Believing God. it is one of her devotional books...amazing. i recommend that everyone get this book. i wish i had it with me right now to type out every fabulous quote that she catches my eye with.
basically, the premise of the book is to develop a deeper BELIEF in God...not just believing He exists or believing "in Him"...but actually truly believing Him, and how this is lived out in our lives as we apply this concept. it is certainly hard for me to grasp. WHY would i believe Him? HOW do i believe Him? HOW is my faith strengthened? the reasons for believing God and having a strengthened, deeper faith are obvious. the HOW to believe God and have a strengthened, deeper faith are also obvious and very challenging because of our sinful nature. this nature, i am SURE, is what keeps me from truly believing God. i know for sure that it is my sin that keeps me from knowing and loving Him more. the way to continue in our faith, to have it strengthened, and develop that deeper trust is to abide in Him, remain close to Him- spend time in and trust His Word, pray & communicate with Him daily- recognize that we need His power & salvation.
it's amazing how we can be so close to the Lord in our lives, and yet return to our sinfulness. i am amazed by His goodness & love for me...and OFTEN wonder why i let myself be tempted & give in when His mercy and love have covered that ugliness & it was covered at a price of death. let grace not be seen as a liberty for sin, but an oppression- that the thought of that grace would keep me from sinning & keep my gaze and focus on Christ.
the "new journey" i want to describe to the blogging world that is happening in my life currently is the journey of developing a strengthened faith and trust in my Savior. my whole life, since i can remember, i have been saved. i have grown up in church and a Christian home and school. i know all of the right things, i have lots of KNOWLEDGE...but when it comes to actually BELIEVING God, i feel very lacking in this. i feel lacking in my faith and trust in His Power and the Power of His Holy Spirit working in my life.
to sortof develop the background of my journey, i just started reading a book by Beth Moore called Believing God. it is one of her devotional books...amazing. i recommend that everyone get this book. i wish i had it with me right now to type out every fabulous quote that she catches my eye with.
basically, the premise of the book is to develop a deeper BELIEF in God...not just believing He exists or believing "in Him"...but actually truly believing Him, and how this is lived out in our lives as we apply this concept. it is certainly hard for me to grasp. WHY would i believe Him? HOW do i believe Him? HOW is my faith strengthened? the reasons for believing God and having a strengthened, deeper faith are obvious. the HOW to believe God and have a strengthened, deeper faith are also obvious and very challenging because of our sinful nature. this nature, i am SURE, is what keeps me from truly believing God. i know for sure that it is my sin that keeps me from knowing and loving Him more. the way to continue in our faith, to have it strengthened, and develop that deeper trust is to abide in Him, remain close to Him- spend time in and trust His Word, pray & communicate with Him daily- recognize that we need His power & salvation.
it's amazing how we can be so close to the Lord in our lives, and yet return to our sinfulness. i am amazed by His goodness & love for me...and OFTEN wonder why i let myself be tempted & give in when His mercy and love have covered that ugliness & it was covered at a price of death. let grace not be seen as a liberty for sin, but an oppression- that the thought of that grace would keep me from sinning & keep my gaze and focus on Christ.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
recommended reading
so, as you know, since i've left auburn i've become more and more of a fan of auburn football. of course while i was a student, i would get into the fan-crazy atmosphere but i don't think i ever really appreciated auburn football and being an auburn tiger until i left to come back to mem for dental hygiene school. ever since i left, i have truly missed auburn & the legacy it left on my life. i am prouder and prouder as time moves on to be able to say i am an auburn tiger and part of the auburn family.
well my recommended reading, nonetheless, is Gene Chizik's book called "All In". My mom and i were at lifeway the other day to return some books, and she mentioned it. i went to grab the book as quickly as possible dand ever since we bought it, i have spent every free second reading this book. i'm almost finished and cannot put it down.
not only is it a "recap" or sortof summary of auburn football and the auburn family, but it is a rundown of Gene Chizik's faith in God and how it has become intertwined with his role as head coach, father, husband, etc. it is AMAZING. it makes me more appreciative of this great university and head coach and football team. what a testimony for him to stand out like that and claim his faith in hopes to win people to the Lord. SOOOO, if you have any free time this week, go pick up this book, All In.
some more recap of my life lately...
i got back from vacation last wednesday and was able to go home to memphis for a few days and spend time with my family and michael and his cousins. it seems like time goes faster and faster during the time i have at home. it seems so short :( yesterday was my first day back to work in what seemed like forever. i always have to get back into the swing of work even after a weekend. it can definitely be challenging. i found myself praying a lot yesterday just for patience, strength, and joy. the most challenging part for me is getting behind. i don't like feeling rushed with patients or their cleanings and time i have with them. i get overwhelmed! and yesterday it seemed like everything would go wrong.
i don't think i express how much i am thankful for a job, where the Lord has me right now, every single blessing in my life. i think when things get challenging and life is bumpy in different ways, the Lord is reminding me to be thankful in all things and joyful.
well my recommended reading, nonetheless, is Gene Chizik's book called "All In". My mom and i were at lifeway the other day to return some books, and she mentioned it. i went to grab the book as quickly as possible dand ever since we bought it, i have spent every free second reading this book. i'm almost finished and cannot put it down.
not only is it a "recap" or sortof summary of auburn football and the auburn family, but it is a rundown of Gene Chizik's faith in God and how it has become intertwined with his role as head coach, father, husband, etc. it is AMAZING. it makes me more appreciative of this great university and head coach and football team. what a testimony for him to stand out like that and claim his faith in hopes to win people to the Lord. SOOOO, if you have any free time this week, go pick up this book, All In.
some more recap of my life lately...
i got back from vacation last wednesday and was able to go home to memphis for a few days and spend time with my family and michael and his cousins. it seems like time goes faster and faster during the time i have at home. it seems so short :( yesterday was my first day back to work in what seemed like forever. i always have to get back into the swing of work even after a weekend. it can definitely be challenging. i found myself praying a lot yesterday just for patience, strength, and joy. the most challenging part for me is getting behind. i don't like feeling rushed with patients or their cleanings and time i have with them. i get overwhelmed! and yesterday it seemed like everything would go wrong.
i don't think i express how much i am thankful for a job, where the Lord has me right now, every single blessing in my life. i think when things get challenging and life is bumpy in different ways, the Lord is reminding me to be thankful in all things and joyful.
Monday, July 25, 2011
vacay & a little beach time
well, my mom, friend from nashville, and i are on vacation...a very much needed relaxation time. my cousin and her kids came down yesterday! it has been so great. we arrived friday and we are leaving in a couple of days.
one thing i am most excited about is as i sit on the porch of our condo typing away about to eat breakfast and sip some coffee, i can't help but think that right now i would be cleaning my 3rd patient of the morning at work! AHH!! and i am relaxing.
what do most people like to do on their vacation? the first thing that ever comes to mind for me is the beach. don't really care where it is located, as long as i can lay on a towel, directly on the sand, or in a fold down chair under an umbrella right by the ocean.
i have so much enjoyed this vacation---rachel and i have been adventurous and also been very lazy. yesterday we went parasailing- so much fun and scary. of the group we went with of random couples/families, i was the only person on the boat freaking out. even some little 8 year old kid was way more calm than me. when it came our turn to go, i sat down on the back of the boat with rachel and we were hooked on to the parachute, and the boat just starts going and you fly up in the air..500 ft, i just started freaking out! it was amazing though and an awesome view of the ocean and beach.
i feel like we still have so much we want to do. we have already hit up the outlet malls. we still have several restaurants we want to go to.
sharing some pics below...

one thing i am most excited about is as i sit on the porch of our condo typing away about to eat breakfast and sip some coffee, i can't help but think that right now i would be cleaning my 3rd patient of the morning at work! AHH!! and i am relaxing.
what do most people like to do on their vacation? the first thing that ever comes to mind for me is the beach. don't really care where it is located, as long as i can lay on a towel, directly on the sand, or in a fold down chair under an umbrella right by the ocean.
i have so much enjoyed this vacation---rachel and i have been adventurous and also been very lazy. yesterday we went parasailing- so much fun and scary. of the group we went with of random couples/families, i was the only person on the boat freaking out. even some little 8 year old kid was way more calm than me. when it came our turn to go, i sat down on the back of the boat with rachel and we were hooked on to the parachute, and the boat just starts going and you fly up in the air..500 ft, i just started freaking out! it was amazing though and an awesome view of the ocean and beach.
i feel like we still have so much we want to do. we have already hit up the outlet malls. we still have several restaurants we want to go to.
sharing some pics below...
Monday, July 4, 2011
training...and back to reality
it has been a while since i blogged last. and i went home this past weekend and did not take ANY pictures. i enjoyed a long and what seemed SHORT weekend. friday michael and i ate with my rents and went to see limitless. saturday was full of running errands and michael and i biked from my house to his house---which i DEFINITELY should have documented. i know we looked funny and amateurish riding down houston levee. haha. and saturday night we got to spend a little time with some friends at a yummy mex restaurant in midtown. sunday was church & ate with my rents AGAIN and watched tour de france with them...and today the birthday of our country was relaxing with food & time with michael's family and mine.
i miss being a kid. do you ever wish you could go back in time? i miss the perks of being a child and the innocence and excitement about EVERYTHING that comes with that stage of life.
i was also listening to a sermon about something (which i can't remember now the specific topic)...but the pastor mentioned having a childlike faith. when i really think about that concept, it makes me sit back and wonder what it means and that i truly desire that type of faith.
and you may be wondering about the "training" part of the title. i decided on my drive either to memphis or to nashville today that i want to train for the full marathon that is in december in memphis...crazy???
more to come later.....looking forward to TRIVIA night this week. our team won 3rd place last week and won a gift card! our team name is POP POP or MNM. we are regulars now.
happy independence day!!!
i miss being a kid. do you ever wish you could go back in time? i miss the perks of being a child and the innocence and excitement about EVERYTHING that comes with that stage of life.
i was also listening to a sermon about something (which i can't remember now the specific topic)...but the pastor mentioned having a childlike faith. when i really think about that concept, it makes me sit back and wonder what it means and that i truly desire that type of faith.
and you may be wondering about the "training" part of the title. i decided on my drive either to memphis or to nashville today that i want to train for the full marathon that is in december in memphis...crazy???
more to come later.....looking forward to TRIVIA night this week. our team won 3rd place last week and won a gift card! our team name is POP POP or MNM. we are regulars now.
happy independence day!!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
plan b study (week2)
hello blogging world,
when i get into something, i get into something. i mean when i put effort toward something i want, i do it. and i mean i do it with a lot of energy & heart. not to brag, but i feel like sometimes i can get in the extreme perspective of this, which can sometimes be unhealthy depending on the priority it becomes in my life. the reason i explain this is because of my blogging trend. i have kept up with this blog & have tried to write every day. another example, i am a runner...i like to classify myself as one at least. i started running like 3 miles a day after a little encouragement from my dad. trust me, it was not easy to actually start "enjoying" running. i remember that first 3 miles, it was awful. i made my first lap and felt sick. then i did my second lap and felt a little sicker. then i made it around my 3rd lap & it started raining! it was horrible! but all of that to say, i'm really trying to keep up with my blogging. i like to think i am putting my heart into it.
so i'm trying to multi-task- read plan b, blog, talk to my friend rachel, & read an article about baptsim & answer questions about it. but before i do all of the above, i'll conquer writing about what we talked about at the plan b study last night/bachelorette watching night. it was such a good discussion, and like i said before, everyone should read this book! here are the questions we discussed that were at the end of the chapter:
- do you remember a time when all the circumstances of your life led to believe a certain dream was going to become reality, only to have that dream shatter?
- do you see any similarities between your life and the first half of David's story? (He ran away from his problems & God)
- James 1:12 says, "blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him". can you think of a time when perseverance & patience have paid off for you in the midst of a plan b? can u name a time when you think your perseverance & patience did not pay off? why do you think this is true?
happy tuesday!!!! post answers to these questions in the comment box!! i would love to hear some feedback!
when i get into something, i get into something. i mean when i put effort toward something i want, i do it. and i mean i do it with a lot of energy & heart. not to brag, but i feel like sometimes i can get in the extreme perspective of this, which can sometimes be unhealthy depending on the priority it becomes in my life. the reason i explain this is because of my blogging trend. i have kept up with this blog & have tried to write every day. another example, i am a runner...i like to classify myself as one at least. i started running like 3 miles a day after a little encouragement from my dad. trust me, it was not easy to actually start "enjoying" running. i remember that first 3 miles, it was awful. i made my first lap and felt sick. then i did my second lap and felt a little sicker. then i made it around my 3rd lap & it started raining! it was horrible! but all of that to say, i'm really trying to keep up with my blogging. i like to think i am putting my heart into it.
so i'm trying to multi-task- read plan b, blog, talk to my friend rachel, & read an article about baptsim & answer questions about it. but before i do all of the above, i'll conquer writing about what we talked about at the plan b study last night/bachelorette watching night. it was such a good discussion, and like i said before, everyone should read this book! here are the questions we discussed that were at the end of the chapter:
- do you remember a time when all the circumstances of your life led to believe a certain dream was going to become reality, only to have that dream shatter?
- do you see any similarities between your life and the first half of David's story? (He ran away from his problems & God)
- James 1:12 says, "blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him". can you think of a time when perseverance & patience have paid off for you in the midst of a plan b? can u name a time when you think your perseverance & patience did not pay off? why do you think this is true?
happy tuesday!!!! post answers to these questions in the comment box!! i would love to hear some feedback!
Monday, June 20, 2011
ohhhhh monday....
this past weekend i went home for a wedding & father's day---

i pretty much have the best dad in the world & am so thankful for him and what he does for our family and how much he loves my brother and me.
the wedding was ginny & kevin's and it was beautiful. the ceremony was so worshipful & the reception was a blast. our group of friends is definitely the best group of dancers i have ever seen. it was so much fun. on sunday, i met with my associate pastor to talk about baptism, and when i could do that. i have never gotten baptized before, and i feel like it is something that we are called to do as believers, we are to follow Christ's example and that is something he did out of obedience. it isn't necessary to my salvation, but as my pastor put it, it is not optional either if you are a believer in Christ.
this week is going to be so long!!! i can't wait for vacation---which will be in less than 1 month. i love weekends but they always fly by.
happy monday!

i pretty much have the best dad in the world & am so thankful for him and what he does for our family and how much he loves my brother and me.
the wedding was ginny & kevin's and it was beautiful. the ceremony was so worshipful & the reception was a blast. our group of friends is definitely the best group of dancers i have ever seen. it was so much fun. on sunday, i met with my associate pastor to talk about baptism, and when i could do that. i have never gotten baptized before, and i feel like it is something that we are called to do as believers, we are to follow Christ's example and that is something he did out of obedience. it isn't necessary to my salvation, but as my pastor put it, it is not optional either if you are a believer in Christ.
this week is going to be so long!!! i can't wait for vacation---which will be in less than 1 month. i love weekends but they always fly by.
happy monday!

Monday, June 13, 2011
of what, you ask? well if you're thinking this...

you're sort of right...
if you're thinking about specifically who got voted off tonight...

you're again sort of right...
if you want a recap of my favorite bachelor on this show...

you're getting closer.
but if you're reflecting on my last post about plan are totally right on. the other people & reflections above are semi-correct and relative, only because after watching that glorious show, we talk about plan b...aka we watch the bachelorette and THEN talk about Jesus. all i can say in defense of that statement is we are women....emotional women.
anyway, tonight was our first, very successful discussion on this book. it is amazing to see everyone open up & i am so so excited to see how the Lord uses this book in our lives. i am excited to see and learn more about what to do with our frustrations and wailings and groanings about where we are in life and turn those over to the Lord for HIS use to bring about joy in our lives and ultimately glory to Him. i was reminded over and over tonight even as my friends were sharing about their plan b's and when i was hearing myself talk that this life & world are not about me although i like to think so SOOO often...instead whatever phase of life or wherever the Lord is using me is where He thinks is best for me right now because it is bringing Him joy & honor. one of the quotes in the very end of the book talks about trust is what you do when you don't have understanding (that is definitely paraphrased because it sounds better in the book). but i LOVE that. what do YOU do when you are frustrated, hurt, lost, confused, etc by your plans? do you trust? what do you do when you don't understand where the Lord has you or is leading you...and that where you are is NOWHERE close to the plan you had for your own life? what do you do about it as a believer in Christ? do you run from you turn your trust to other things or your mind to try and gain your own understanding and wisdom or do you trust in God. do you soak up Scripture & spend time in prayer? what do you actually believe about GOD? i know i believe He exists and He is truth and everything about His Gospel and salvation are TRUE...but sometimes i doubt His presence in my life and if He'll actually reveal Himself....and most of the time that doubt comes from impatience and unwillingness to trust.
what does trust mean to you? ALLLL of these questions and thoughts ran through my mind tonight as this group of young growing women discussed the deeper questions. my prayer is that the Lord uses this book as an encouragement but also as motivation to really trust and study His Word and truly know Him & see His goodness even in the waiting or pain or suffering or doubts. i pray our moaning and groaning about life & our different "plans" will turn into praise, joy, and acclamation to our loving Father who created us and does in fact love us and has a plan for our lives.
get this book NOW!
looking forward to next week's discussion...a 3 day work week this week...continuing education classes thursday & friday...& memphis & a wedding this weekend! YAY! and trivia & vball this week!
off to bed

you're sort of right...
if you're thinking about specifically who got voted off tonight...

you're again sort of right...
if you want a recap of my favorite bachelor on this show...

you're getting closer.
but if you're reflecting on my last post about plan are totally right on. the other people & reflections above are semi-correct and relative, only because after watching that glorious show, we talk about plan b...aka we watch the bachelorette and THEN talk about Jesus. all i can say in defense of that statement is we are women....emotional women.
anyway, tonight was our first, very successful discussion on this book. it is amazing to see everyone open up & i am so so excited to see how the Lord uses this book in our lives. i am excited to see and learn more about what to do with our frustrations and wailings and groanings about where we are in life and turn those over to the Lord for HIS use to bring about joy in our lives and ultimately glory to Him. i was reminded over and over tonight even as my friends were sharing about their plan b's and when i was hearing myself talk that this life & world are not about me although i like to think so SOOO often...instead whatever phase of life or wherever the Lord is using me is where He thinks is best for me right now because it is bringing Him joy & honor. one of the quotes in the very end of the book talks about trust is what you do when you don't have understanding (that is definitely paraphrased because it sounds better in the book). but i LOVE that. what do YOU do when you are frustrated, hurt, lost, confused, etc by your plans? do you trust? what do you do when you don't understand where the Lord has you or is leading you...and that where you are is NOWHERE close to the plan you had for your own life? what do you do about it as a believer in Christ? do you run from you turn your trust to other things or your mind to try and gain your own understanding and wisdom or do you trust in God. do you soak up Scripture & spend time in prayer? what do you actually believe about GOD? i know i believe He exists and He is truth and everything about His Gospel and salvation are TRUE...but sometimes i doubt His presence in my life and if He'll actually reveal Himself....and most of the time that doubt comes from impatience and unwillingness to trust.
what does trust mean to you? ALLLL of these questions and thoughts ran through my mind tonight as this group of young growing women discussed the deeper questions. my prayer is that the Lord uses this book as an encouragement but also as motivation to really trust and study His Word and truly know Him & see His goodness even in the waiting or pain or suffering or doubts. i pray our moaning and groaning about life & our different "plans" will turn into praise, joy, and acclamation to our loving Father who created us and does in fact love us and has a plan for our lives.
get this book NOW!
looking forward to next week's discussion...a 3 day work week this week...continuing education classes thursday & friday...& memphis & a wedding this weekend! YAY! and trivia & vball this week!
off to bed
Thursday, June 9, 2011
plan b study (week1)
Currently my Bible study girls and I are starting a new topic/book. we sortof got behind with So Long Insecurity, and since the bachelorette has started up again...we probably would have gotten more behind or off track. but i am loving the new book we have picked, which is Plan B by Pete Wilson. here is what the book says about him to give you a little background of the author. and we heard about him from kairos:
"Pete Wilson is the lead pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN. Pete aspires to lead churches to become radically devoted to Christ, irrevocably committed to 1 another, and relentlessly dedicated to reaching those outside of God's family".
and random side fact my friend told me is Pete is the dad in the Taylor Swift "Mine" video. small world.
anyway, I heard about Pete from Kairos...he spoke one night about plan b- which is also the series that kairos started a while ago. the main theme i am seeing throughout the beginning of this book is encouragement...and also the common scenario or occurrence in peoples' lives. we all have "plans" and things we hope and want for ourselves at any given time in our lives...such as "i am (this age) and thought i would be married with a family" "i am (this age) and thought i would be done with college by now starting a career" "i thought i would know what i am doing with my life by now, i am such and such age" "i thought my marriage would have turned out differently" "i thought my kids would have turned out differently than they did". i think as humans we all process different scenarios, obviously, based on what we picture for our lives or what we want them to turn out to be. i know in high school, maybe even college, my "plan" was have a career, be married, and have a plan for my life was to be married at such and such age. another common thread Pete talks about is how easy it is to look around and compare our lives to someone else's and even if we're not "comparing" we may just look at others our age or in our category and think- man, they have it all together. they have a house. they have an awesome job. they have a family. they are married. etc. they look like they have their lives together. but what i am learning not just from this book but from just living and being with people is that EVERYONE has a plan of some kind, which we'll say is "plan A" but somehow we are living plan B, C, D, E, etc. so what i hope over the next weeks is as my Bible study friends and i go through this book, that we will see deep encouragement and the Lord really growing and working out our trust in Him alone...and i don't think that we as Christians really doubt He actually EXISTS, but somehow and sometimes we doubt if He's going to show up when we want Him to reveal His plan or we doubt His timing we doubt His ways and we doubt if He really has a plan. we want Him to reveal. we want Him to clearly and plainly show up in our lives. SO i hope this book will be encouraging and ultimately will deepen our trust in HIM.
there are so many interesting eye-openers (at least for me) in this book and i recommend everyone get it! i am only in the beginning of it and already can't put it down. i have a lot of things i want to share in the blog about this is to be continued.
happy thursday- almost the weekend!
"Pete Wilson is the lead pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN. Pete aspires to lead churches to become radically devoted to Christ, irrevocably committed to 1 another, and relentlessly dedicated to reaching those outside of God's family".
and random side fact my friend told me is Pete is the dad in the Taylor Swift "Mine" video. small world.
anyway, I heard about Pete from Kairos...he spoke one night about plan b- which is also the series that kairos started a while ago. the main theme i am seeing throughout the beginning of this book is encouragement...and also the common scenario or occurrence in peoples' lives. we all have "plans" and things we hope and want for ourselves at any given time in our lives...such as "i am (this age) and thought i would be married with a family" "i am (this age) and thought i would be done with college by now starting a career" "i thought i would know what i am doing with my life by now, i am such and such age" "i thought my marriage would have turned out differently" "i thought my kids would have turned out differently than they did". i think as humans we all process different scenarios, obviously, based on what we picture for our lives or what we want them to turn out to be. i know in high school, maybe even college, my "plan" was have a career, be married, and have a plan for my life was to be married at such and such age. another common thread Pete talks about is how easy it is to look around and compare our lives to someone else's and even if we're not "comparing" we may just look at others our age or in our category and think- man, they have it all together. they have a house. they have an awesome job. they have a family. they are married. etc. they look like they have their lives together. but what i am learning not just from this book but from just living and being with people is that EVERYONE has a plan of some kind, which we'll say is "plan A" but somehow we are living plan B, C, D, E, etc. so what i hope over the next weeks is as my Bible study friends and i go through this book, that we will see deep encouragement and the Lord really growing and working out our trust in Him alone...and i don't think that we as Christians really doubt He actually EXISTS, but somehow and sometimes we doubt if He's going to show up when we want Him to reveal His plan or we doubt His timing we doubt His ways and we doubt if He really has a plan. we want Him to reveal. we want Him to clearly and plainly show up in our lives. SO i hope this book will be encouraging and ultimately will deepen our trust in HIM.
there are so many interesting eye-openers (at least for me) in this book and i recommend everyone get it! i am only in the beginning of it and already can't put it down. i have a lot of things i want to share in the blog about this is to be continued.
happy thursday- almost the weekend!
Monday, June 6, 2011
amazing lyrics
You Are For Me
kari jobe
So faithful. So constant.
So loving and so true.
So powerful in all You do.
You fill me. You see me.
You know my every move
and You love for me to sing to You.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You will never,
forsake me in my weaknesses
I know that You have come now,
even if to write upon my heart.
To remind me who You are.
So patient, So gracious,
So merciful and true…
So wonderful in all You do.
You know me. You see me.
You know my every move.
You love for me to sing to You
Lord, I know that You are for me.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You will never,
forsake me in my weaknesses.
I know that You have come now,
even if to write upon my heart.
To remind me that
I know that You are for me.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You will never,
forsake me in my weaknesses.
I know that You have come now,
even if to write upon my heart.
To remind me who You are.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You will never,
forsake me in my weaknesses.
I know that You will come now,
even if to write upon my heart.
To remind me of who You are.
kari jobe
So faithful. So constant.
So loving and so true.
So powerful in all You do.
You fill me. You see me.
You know my every move
and You love for me to sing to You.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You will never,
forsake me in my weaknesses
I know that You have come now,
even if to write upon my heart.
To remind me who You are.
So patient, So gracious,
So merciful and true…
So wonderful in all You do.
You know me. You see me.
You know my every move.
You love for me to sing to You
Lord, I know that You are for me.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You will never,
forsake me in my weaknesses.
I know that You have come now,
even if to write upon my heart.
To remind me that
I know that You are for me.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You will never,
forsake me in my weaknesses.
I know that You have come now,
even if to write upon my heart.
To remind me who You are.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You are for me.
I know that You will never,
forsake me in my weaknesses.
I know that You will come now,
even if to write upon my heart.
To remind me of who You are.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
heavy with love

so i am reading through the book of 1 john...which i don't remember if i have mentioned. my pastor back home has had SUCH a great sermon series on this interesting and deep book of the Bible. my favorite sermon was on chapter 3..i'm going to type all of these verses out because every single part of this is so great and so full of meaning and truth for the believer. and before i write out the verses, let me preface them with some sentences i wrote in my journal during his teaching: (and PLEASE look up his sermons online!!! you can find them at resources & sermons). LOOK THEM UP TODAY!! or you can download his podcast- cole huffman or first evangelical church memphis tn. he also has a blog i have just started following- "where is the fourth?" google that too.
"we are and do absolutely nothing to merit the Love of God, we are GREATLY LOVED..."
"loving 1 another is a function of abiding in Him"
"The life of the 1 who abides in Jesus is defined by relationship and response to JESUS and relationship and response to Jesus' people"
"how we respond to His grace is very telling and very revealing if Christ is in you.--a noticeable quality
here are the verses:
-how great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! and that is what we are! the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. but we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.
-everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. but you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. and in him is no sin. no one who lives in him keeps on sinning. no one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.
-dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. he who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. he who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. the reason the Son of God appeared was to DESTROY the devil's work. no one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. this is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.
overruling theme: God is love, love is of God, we love because He is love.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
an update & peaceful night

it has been a while since i last blogged. i keep thinking about blogging and when i sit down to finally get all my thoughts together, i can't seem to motivate myself to type them all out! so i finally feel like i have a second to breathe...and here i am. back to the blogging world!
well what has been going on...mainly just working. i went home last weekend for memorial day, which was GREAT. i had almost a 5 day weekend. i got home thursday night and had friday, saturday, sunday, and monday to enjoy! i feel like even with those days it went by so fast. it always does. i was able to see michael a lot, which was great. we ate with my fam some, saw a few of our friends one night, which 2 of our really good friends had a "going away" get together dinner because they are in india for about 3 or 4 weeks! or maybe longer...i can't remember. anyway, a long it was good to see them! we also got to go biking and shooting at the range.
next time i go home will be for a wedding- yay!
this weekend has been relaxing and busy somewhat. my friends and i are putting together "bags" for homeless people...which is kindof a roundabout story, but it is through kairos and 2 guys from there who are helping at a church in downtown nashville- mainly for housing and ministering to homeless men. they are in need of basic life today my friend and i went to the dollar store...and bought like 12 or 14 items for 4 people...all under 50$! Wow!
i've also really gotten into the bachelorette. why do i get so hung up on silly shows like this?
over the weekend (last weekend at home)i developed POISON IVY! so i have been dealing with that...for about a week now :( i had to get some prescription drugs to get rid of it, which haven't kicked in yet.
michael starts his job this coming monday- i can't believe it. i am so excited, he is so excited. he is REALLY excited, actually. little wiggs is growing up.
i feel like other things have come about but i keep forgetting them and then i'm sad that i didn't blog about them!
i have some photos that are from random things that have happened since the last time i blogged.
i need a new "project" and a good book recommendation. any ideas are very welcome!
loving the summer- and speaking of summer weather, i have vaca time in july, and am going to the BEACH for a few days!!!!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
i love country musicccccc
happy birthday weekend Catherine!!

well this weekend was full of events. friday night my friend catherine had a birthday bonfire- so much fun. we went out to her parents' house- which is beautiful and has been refinished/done and was built in the 1940's?? and LOTS and lots of land. it is beautiful. saturday was SAND VBALL with some new people i had never played with before, which was also fun. then saturday night...the franklin rodeo. an event i have been looking forward to for a while. something i realized about myself that i always kindof knew, but found out again last night, was that i LOVE country music...i love the rodeo. i love the cowboys & the attire. i love the dirt & the animals & the events. everything was so great and i don't think i have been to a rodeo before, so this was an awesome first experience. my favorite was probably when they let the little kids onto the arena floor and had 3 or 4 calves with ribbons tied to their tails & the kids had to chase them down and pull the ribbons off! i mean a SWARM of little people chasing after the calves. pretty funny.
then today, i relaxed and cleaned up my apt, and some friends are coming to watch a movie tonight!
i have felt like i've been going and going. and friday i actually got to kindof relax...but i also got fried sunburned at the pool :(
this week looking forward picking up and getting a little busier, bible study at NEWKS tomorrow night- which just opened in cool springs!, kairos on tuesday, and DOUBLE HEADER vball games thursday night...and memphis on friday for a long 4 day weekend. much needed.
happy 3rd week of MAY!
well this weekend was full of events. friday night my friend catherine had a birthday bonfire- so much fun. we went out to her parents' house- which is beautiful and has been refinished/done and was built in the 1940's?? and LOTS and lots of land. it is beautiful. saturday was SAND VBALL with some new people i had never played with before, which was also fun. then saturday night...the franklin rodeo. an event i have been looking forward to for a while. something i realized about myself that i always kindof knew, but found out again last night, was that i LOVE country music...i love the rodeo. i love the cowboys & the attire. i love the dirt & the animals & the events. everything was so great and i don't think i have been to a rodeo before, so this was an awesome first experience. my favorite was probably when they let the little kids onto the arena floor and had 3 or 4 calves with ribbons tied to their tails & the kids had to chase them down and pull the ribbons off! i mean a SWARM of little people chasing after the calves. pretty funny.
then today, i relaxed and cleaned up my apt, and some friends are coming to watch a movie tonight!
i have felt like i've been going and going. and friday i actually got to kindof relax...but i also got fried sunburned at the pool :(
this week looking forward picking up and getting a little busier, bible study at NEWKS tomorrow night- which just opened in cool springs!, kairos on tuesday, and DOUBLE HEADER vball games thursday night...and memphis on friday for a long 4 day weekend. much needed.
happy 3rd week of MAY!
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