it has been a while since i last blogged. i keep thinking about blogging and when i sit down to finally get all my thoughts together, i can't seem to motivate myself to type them all out! so i finally feel like i have a second to breathe...and here i am. back to the blogging world!
well what has been going on...mainly just working. i went home last weekend for memorial day, which was GREAT. i had almost a 5 day weekend. i got home thursday night and had friday, saturday, sunday, and monday to enjoy! i feel like even with those days it went by so fast. it always does. i was able to see michael a lot, which was great. we ate with my fam some, saw a few of our friends one night, which 2 of our really good friends had a "going away" get together dinner because they are in india for about 3 or 4 weeks! or maybe longer...i can't remember. anyway, a long time...so it was good to see them! we also got to go biking and shooting at the range.
next time i go home will be for a wedding- yay!
this weekend has been relaxing and busy somewhat. my friends and i are putting together "bags" for homeless people...which is kindof a roundabout story, but it is through kairos and 2 guys from there who are helping at a church in downtown nashville- mainly for housing and ministering to homeless men. they are in need of basic life things...so today my friend and i went to the dollar store...and bought like 12 or 14 items for 4 people...all under 50$! Wow!
i've also really gotten into the bachelorette. why do i get so hung up on silly shows like this?
over the weekend (last weekend at home)i developed POISON IVY! so i have been dealing with that...for about a week now :( i had to get some prescription drugs to get rid of it, which haven't kicked in yet.
michael starts his job this coming monday- i can't believe it. i am so excited, he is so excited. he is REALLY excited, actually. little wiggs is growing up.
i feel like other things have come about but i keep forgetting them and then i'm sad that i didn't blog about them!
i have some photos that are from random things that have happened since the last time i blogged.
i need a new "project" and a good book recommendation. any ideas are very welcome!
loving the summer- and speaking of summer weather, i have vaca time in july, and am going to the BEACH for a few days!!!!
poison ivy - eek! i am also reaaalllly into the bachelorette (whoa bentley...). loved getting to talk to you the other day!!