Wednesday, August 4, 2010

another wednesday...

i didn't really feel like posting today. it is one of those days where it passed pretty slowly and now i am pooped.
BUT exciting news in today's headlines: i got CABLE and internet! i am now watching kate plus 8, surprised? i'm flipping back and forth between that glorious show and "man vs food". two of my favs. adam amazes me every time.
today was a reminder that i am a CLUTZ, if that is even how you spell it. first of all, i think i drop about 5-10 things per day at work...which is not good in the environment that i am in. yesterday, i knocked over a cup of like 100 Q-tips. today, my co-worker refilled my hand sanitizer...and instead of lightly pushing down the dispenser, i PLUNGED my whole fist on it, and out splattered GOBS of hand sanitizer all over my scrubs. i also got a little firm with my patients this afternoon because i was so exhausted and they were running around screaming and sword fighting with their cool sword balloons. i was about to go bonkers. i said, "TIMMY, you need to go have a seat on the couch until dr. a is ready to check your teeth." (it was in a pretty harsh voice for me).
i'm slowly getting used to this job. as challenging as it is to see 14-15 kids a day, it is rewarding and fun. but at the end of the day (and beginning), i can't express how tired i am. my body aches when i even take a breath, it is really sad! i feel like i am finally getting used to the office, though, and everyone's system of doing things.
my co-workers have all been really great and helpful. one of them has invited me to a cookout this wkend (which i'll be out of town)...but she is so thoughtful and she is married with one little boy and a girl on the way. she gave me her number the other day to call her (because i didn't have cable) so i could watch the bachelorette. haha. they know i am that desperate i guess.
lastly, i am starting to get burned out on running...but i need to keep on track to run the 1/2 marathon in dec in mem! that race is ALWAYS super fun and super cold. i am really excited about it this yr.
my apartment is finally coming together...i'll post pics soon. i need some curtains for my living room, a dining room table (round), and a coffee table, and washer and dryer. if you know of anyone who is trying to get rid of a washer/dryer, let me know!!
happy wednesday---it is ALMOST friday, and i will be auburn bound for a day :) super excited about seeing my auburn friends.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle I just laughed out loud so many times while reading this post!!! AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN AUBURN? ARE YOU DRIVING THROUGH B'HAM?!?!?!


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