Monday, August 29, 2011

prayer, family- 2 keystones in my life

2 very important things that stand out to me during this time in my life are: 1- prayer. and my relationship with my Heavenly Father.
2- my family. the signficance of family, and specifically my own family. how much they mean to me and the support and love my parents bless me with.
tonight i had a great conversation with one of my friends from home. we have not had the chance to talk in a while and i have missed our conversations, because she is a true encouragement and blessing in my life. the Lord has used her in my life in powerful ways. i am thankful for our chats and how i know the Lord can be central to a person's life and to a friendship. tonight we talked about prayer and how we both right now are in different places of little faith and trust. prayer is such a hard concept to grasp and understand. the more i think about prayer and actually do it, though, the more i am aware of God's existence and presence. that who i am talking to is an omnicient and omnipotent God. that who i am talking to is all loving and all just. he is perfect. he is holy. and righteous. and merciful. and faithful. i think over the recent past, my prayer relationship with God has changed. prayer may or may not change my circumstance the way i would like, but it for sure changes my perspective of the Lord and of my relationship with Him. it makes me step back and re-evaluate WHO it is i am praying to and what He does and is doing and has done on my behalf. we were talking about how we have been praying for one of our best friends for the past several months about a decision she was trying to make about what to do with her life and where to go, and how now she has moved- which was the major decision for her...but how that whole time we were praying for her, God was orchestrating all of it. and how emotionally uplifting it was for our sweet friend to know she had people praying for her...and how even MORE uplifting it is for us as believers to know the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in prayer. "intercedes" in Biblical usage means: (just found this tidbit from Biblegateway)
Intercession of the Spirit
(Rom. 8:26, 27; John 14:26). "Christ is a royal Priest (Zech. 6:13). From the same throne, as King, he dispenses his Spirit to all the objects of his care, while as Priest he intercedes for them. The Spirit acts for him, taking only of his things. They both act with one consent, Christ as principal, the Spirit as his agent. Christ intercedes for us, without us, as our advocate in heaven, according to the provisions of the everlasting covenant. The Holy Spirit works upon our minds and hearts, enlightening and quickening, and thus determining our desires 'according to the will of God,' as our advocate within us. The work of the one is complementary to that of the other, and together they form a complete whole.", Hodge's Outlines of Theology.
i am in awe of my loving Father...
which brings me to the second thing i am recently very thankful for and that is my family. i am so thankful for my parents and brother. i am thankful for the foundation my parents have laid for my life and the childhood i had. i have been blessed beyond words with a wonderful family. i think about adoption a lot and about families (because of my job) and the kids i see daily who have struggling families/parents/backgrounds/etc...and i take my family for granted so often. in terms of adoption, i am in awe of where i am and where i could have been...that the Lord had a grand plan for my life and has filled my brain with knowledge of Himself, of His Word, His Gospel, His love, etc, and my purpose alone is to serve and glorify Him and share those things my brain is filled with...the fact that i grew up knowing these truths and could have been in a totally different country and place is beyond my imagination. my parents are both individually the most selfless and loving people i know.
these 2 things right now are definitely keystones and foundations. and i am so thankful.
if you don't have this song already, go to itunes and buy "holy is the Lord" by bethany dillon. great stuff.
back to reading for my masters program. pretty much my life consists of work and school.

Monday, August 15, 2011


this post is untitled because nothing exciting has really happened. i decided to update the blog, however, because it seemed lonely and i haven't been into writing every day like i used to be. over the weekend i saw the movie the help. EVERYONE needs to see this movie. i want to see it a million more times and most likely buy it when it comes out on dvd. i love it so much. i laughed and cried the whole movie.
i had an interesting end of my week last week & into my weekend. it's sortof a long story, but i had a strange looking bug bite on my back last wednesday or thurs night, and knowing me, if i didn't get it looked at then it probably would have turned into being something really horrific. so that night when i noticed it, i decided to go over to the walgreens clinic and see if they could tell me what it was. it didn't look like a "normal" bug bite. so i went, and the nurse practitioner had no clue. she said it definitely wasn't normal and did not look like a mosquito bite. so she prescribed a steroid dose pack to help. the next morning i woke up and had like 8 new bug bites on my right upper back leg. strange, i thought, and wondered how over night i had acquired new bug bites. i called my mom & she and i were thinking the could be bed bugs?? THINKING as in hoping and praying it was not. but out of panic-ish anxiety and worry that that was what it was and out of my mom just giving good advice, we decided i should treat it like it was bug bites. needless to say, all of friday was spent vacuuming every square inch of my apartment, taking my bed and mattresses apart, vacuuming my mattresses, did multiple loads of laundry, flooded my laundry room because the pipe was messed up in the back of my washing machine, went to bed bath and beyond, target and lowe's for multiple protection supplies from bedbugs. so, my room is CLEAN, my apartment is clean and even though i lost sleep over the weekend, i feel like my life is finally back to normal.
i've also been playing a lot of vball lately. sand vball is where it's at. i have the new nickname of Big D or D or Dan. i love sand and i love vball. great combination.
this weekend is a friend's wedding---so excited i'll be making a trip home! grad school starts next week online....
i'm trying to think of more updates. i'm sure there will be more to come...stay tuned for more exciting news about my bed bug life.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

a new journey

honestly, i dislike the word journey. i think it is way over used and i especially don't like it in the context of the bachelorette.
the "new journey" i want to describe to the blogging world that is happening in my life currently is the journey of developing a strengthened faith and trust in my Savior. my whole life, since i can remember, i have been saved. i have grown up in church and a Christian home and school. i know all of the right things, i have lots of KNOWLEDGE...but when it comes to actually BELIEVING God, i feel very lacking in this. i feel lacking in my faith and trust in His Power and the Power of His Holy Spirit working in my life.
to sortof develop the background of my journey, i just started reading a book by Beth Moore called Believing God. it is one of her devotional books...amazing. i recommend that everyone get this book. i wish i had it with me right now to type out every fabulous quote that she catches my eye with.
basically, the premise of the book is to develop a deeper BELIEF in God...not just believing He exists or believing "in Him"...but actually truly believing Him, and how this is lived out in our lives as we apply this concept. it is certainly hard for me to grasp. WHY would i believe Him? HOW do i believe Him? HOW is my faith strengthened? the reasons for believing God and having a strengthened, deeper faith are obvious. the HOW to believe God and have a strengthened, deeper faith are also obvious and very challenging because of our sinful nature. this nature, i am SURE, is what keeps me from truly believing God. i know for sure that it is my sin that keeps me from knowing and loving Him more. the way to continue in our faith, to have it strengthened, and develop that deeper trust is to abide in Him, remain close to Him- spend time in and trust His Word, pray & communicate with Him daily- recognize that we need His power & salvation.
it's amazing how we can be so close to the Lord in our lives, and yet return to our sinfulness. i am amazed by His goodness & love for me...and OFTEN wonder why i let myself be tempted & give in when His mercy and love have covered that ugliness & it was covered at a price of death. let grace not be seen as a liberty for sin, but an oppression- that the thought of that grace would keep me from sinning & keep my gaze and focus on Christ.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

recommended reading

so, as you know, since i've left auburn i've become more and more of a fan of auburn football. of course while i was a student, i would get into the fan-crazy atmosphere but i don't think i ever really appreciated auburn football and being an auburn tiger until i left to come back to mem for dental hygiene school. ever since i left, i have truly missed auburn & the legacy it left on my life. i am prouder and prouder as time moves on to be able to say i am an auburn tiger and part of the auburn family.
well my recommended reading, nonetheless, is Gene Chizik's book called "All In". My mom and i were at lifeway the other day to return some books, and she mentioned it. i went to grab the book as quickly as possible dand ever since we bought it, i have spent every free second reading this book. i'm almost finished and cannot put it down.
not only is it a "recap" or sortof summary of auburn football and the auburn family, but it is a rundown of Gene Chizik's faith in God and how it has become intertwined with his role as head coach, father, husband, etc. it is AMAZING. it makes me more appreciative of this great university and head coach and football team. what a testimony for him to stand out like that and claim his faith in hopes to win people to the Lord. SOOOO, if you have any free time this week, go pick up this book, All In.
some more recap of my life lately...
i got back from vacation last wednesday and was able to go home to memphis for a few days and spend time with my family and michael and his cousins. it seems like time goes faster and faster during the time i have at home. it seems so short :( yesterday was my first day back to work in what seemed like forever. i always have to get back into the swing of work even after a weekend. it can definitely be challenging. i found myself praying a lot yesterday just for patience, strength, and joy. the most challenging part for me is getting behind. i don't like feeling rushed with patients or their cleanings and time i have with them. i get overwhelmed! and yesterday it seemed like everything would go wrong.
i don't think i express how much i am thankful for a job, where the Lord has me right now, every single blessing in my life. i think when things get challenging and life is bumpy in different ways, the Lord is reminding me to be thankful in all things and joyful.
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