Saturday, March 2, 2013

take time to slowwwww down.

this is what i need to do tonight and tomorrow. i just finished catching up on school work. i have had NO time this week to do any of it! i am thankful for tonight and staying in. i worked yesterday and today. our work had our "project smiles" weekend where UT dental students come in and observe and work clinically in our office applying real world skills to patients who can't afford the dental work that they need. most of the patients we see for these events are so grateful because they have either just graduated from a Christian "rehab" treatment center or they graduated a while ago and have not been able to have any dental work. they are typically pretty self conscious of their teeth and how their smile affects every part of their life.
so tonight, i'm catching my breath and resting. i have something pretty much every weekend until the end of april! between work, school, and looking at housing, life has been so busy...and now that i'm "looking up" for a minute without my tunnel vision blinders on, it is already march 2nd. time has gone so quickly. which reminds me to take in every second of each day the good and bad. to "seize the day". to become more and more grateful.
for example, things during my day i try to soak in is those few but important extra minutes i have every single morning before work on my couch with my coffee and Bible. i could choose to disregard getting in the Word or feeling too tired every day, but i have to soak up those moments. for the sunrise that i get to see on my way to work, which makes me thankful for getting to work as early as we do. for sunsets- my most favorite part of EVERY day is right when the sun is setting. if i could remember to take a picture of it every day, i would. or like today, soaking up the fact that it is march 2nd but it is snowing in nashville. as annoying and frustrating that can be for messing up plans/driving, it is still something to see with thankful eyes. for each patient that i love talking to, hearing their stories, or being inspired by how ever the Lord is working in their life. or if they are not a believer that THEY will soak in those moments in our office where we as a staff have opportunities to love and serve them and SHOW them the love of Christ.
i'm thankful for and soaking in His love tonight. i am exhausted and emptied of energy, but am longing more and more to accept His love. Lord, i pray for that longing daily- i need your strength and grace to ask- that longing only comes from you- i am not naturally bent to long for that.
excited for spring coming! and beautiful weather. and a new season of life.

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