Saturday, March 15, 2014

CA recap

The pics below kind of sum up the past week, except probably don't come nearly close enough in showing how much I enjoyed my time with Kennedy's family (bro, bro's wife, their kids, and his sister Sarah). I'm so thankful during the time he has been gone, I've been able to get to know each of the siblings and his parents better. 
Monterey is beautiful. The sunrises left me speechless and The Lord definitely captured my attention with His creation. I found refreshment in spending time in his word in the mornings on the porch which had a magnificent view of the sunrise each day. Every day I was there, it was sunny and warm. We enjoyed a picnic lunch, fun times at different parks, tasting Alyssa's yummy cooking, quality time with the kiddos, watching movies at night, reading books with the kids, hiking, kayaking with the sisters, sooooo many fun things. I do a lot better recapping and describing through writing. But even trying to put into words on here is hard to describe what a fun time we had! 
Kennedy's fam has blessed me so much in knowing them and have opened my eyes to seeing more the depth of the love of Christ. My family in particular has shown me so much grace and love and support that have gotten me through these many hard days and for that I am very grateful! Without them, I wouldn't have gotten through the hard places.  The more I recognize these things, I am all the more grateful...and am all the more encouraged to know The Lord deeper and share Him with others. 
I'm looking forward to warmer weather...and spring...because that means my hubby is coming back soon. 
Praying this wk for The Lord to continue to shape me and mold me into a godly, disciplined woman, wife, sister, friend, and daughter. And to take every thought captive in being mindful of Christ's example.

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8 ESV)

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