Tuesday, April 27, 2010

sbucks meditation

as i am about to embark on my last studying EVER for final exams EVER in my life, it is hard to wrap my brain around the fact that i'm going to be done with my dental hygiene school in a few weeks. it's also unnerving to think that i have been in this program for 2 years and in college for a total of 5 years. AH! and am JUST now about to have a degree. crazy.
today my friend and i went on a long walk at shelby farms- it was beautiful, kinda cool weather. it reminded me of so many good things that have happened the past 2 years in school and the good friendships i have made...and the other friendships that developed even on surface level, but where i have grown so much as a person because of them. and the calming, reassuring fact that God is in complete control of all of it- He orchestrated every single thing. every single little problem i encountered or frustration i had with a class or test or patient. He knew who He was shaping and is shaping me to become. how cool is that? today as we were walking, i was reminded of these things and of ultimately God's faithfulness. we have kindof a tight little group of friends (even though our whole class gets along). which is SO cool. and we were talking during our walk about JESUS! about our faith. about things we struggle with. about seeing our lives in perspective of what truly matters in life. and one thing my friend was talking about was sortof her "plan" for her life, and how selfishly she doesn't want the Lord to come back until after she's married and has started a fam! haha. we were laughing a little because i was thinking- well ya'll will recognize each other in heaven and your relationship will be perfect, etc!! and she responded- well it won't matter really- because in heaven CHRIST will be my focus---i will be so gazed and in awe of Him that it won't even matter if my fiance and i are "together". i was sortof taken back by that response- i got chills all up and down and felt so humbled. i get so caught up in this world and in the busyness of life and wanting things to go my way at that moment, and to think- CHRIST should be so much bigger in my life and in my focus!!! and i make everything else that is temporary my main drive and focus. what a humbling little realization we should desire to see daily. anyway, i was floored. and reminded how blessed i am for good friendships like this where we just freely talk about Jesus and in His workings in our lives.
WOW- so many things to talk about right now on this blog. about school, finals, relationships, bittersweet memories of the UT Dental Hygiene Program/Class of 2010, engagements, the weather, friendships, moving out of the Pop house in May!, hating going to the grocery store, wanting to procrastinate studying for finals. haha. and that is what my brain is churning right now---off to the counter to get a tall coffee w/2 pumps of white mocha :) yummy. oh how i will miss memphis if i'm not here in the summer/fall---especially seeing the mata bus right outside this busy starbucks right off of poplar with the traffic roaring up and down the street.

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