Friday, June 25, 2010

and the chapter continues

i feel like my titles to my blog are more dramatic than my actual posts. haha. today i am going to another job interview here in memphis. not exactly where i want to be, but it is an interview and i am not nervous at all. i realize every time i write the date that days go by so fast, and this summer is halfway over almost!

one thing i don't like about my schedule right now is that it is nonexistent. i'm not very content with my situation---that i am still looking for a job, still waiting for my dental hygienist license number, and living at my house has its advantages and disadvantages. i had a breakdown yesterday because i don't know if i am "ready" to be on my own and be independent. it's so scary, and for the longest time growing up i felt like i would always be "ready". i would be that person that could move away from home really quickly and be independent. but lately, i have felt more scared than ever. obviously, we all love our comfort zones, but i am beginning to love my comfort zone more and more when i think about moving away. ideally, i would love to be in nashville.

(a picture of michael and me in nashville last summer).

over the years, i have grown to love this city. i think the reason our age people like it so much is because it seems like it is "thriving". like there is so much to do there as opposed to memphis. one of my mom's friends said she knows a person my age or a little older that just moved there and in the church she goes to, the young singles/professionals sunday school class has over 1500 people. DANG. there's so much to see and do at this age- why not go and do? my mom asked me yesterday what my goals were for the next few years...which when i think of goals right now, i think of very short-term. like i want a job is my number one goal right now...but as i was thinking about it, usually if you don't have goals or make them, you usually don't finish them. so i've decided to really consider it and list them (in no particular order). they seem so superficial...but here they are:

- a good job in an office i like with people i like and patients i like!

- a family- i want to be married and have babies...

- involvement in a sunday school and growing church community

- travel to south korea

- train for another 1/2 marathon

- go to grad school and get my masters

- be more organized and clean

- cook more and become more domestic

- pick up a new hobby :)

i think that's it for now! ambitious, right? life is so sweet- and when i think of verses in the Bible that describe our lives as fleeting, i think of making the most of our days with what we are given on that day. (psalm 39:4)

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