Thursday, January 12, 2012

another week down of the new year

this week has been challenging, slow, tiring, etc. and i feel like each day brings new experiences i've never had to deal with before (at work). today, i had some very challenging patients and moments, but i also have very fun patients and kids i just love to laugh with (and at sometimes, mostly at what they say). like the other day the assistant was taking the x-rays for a 3 year old little African American child. SWEETEST boy ever, and very talkative and had sortof an attitude. well i came over to push the xray button so it would be easier for him, and after he took the pictures after MANY tries, the assistant amber and i went to develop and look at them and as we were walking off he said to his Mom, "my mouth is tired, she was cutting my brains off!!!" haha. it was quite amusing. then i had a patient today, a little 4 year old African American child who came in and was crying and i told her she could pick out a toothbrush. well she grabbed one from my drawer and she said, "i can open it myself and brush". and i said well i need to brush your teeth so they get all clean, can you lay back in my chair? to which she replied, "I don't want you to be my friend!" haha. i am not a sensitive person most of the time, aka, i like to portray that i am strong and never have problems or concerns...but when she said that i was offended! haha i don't even know the child but it hurt my feelings. oh what kids can say...and it brings out your most sensitive side. it was funny later and she came back to say "thank you" probably after her mom made her. it was interesting.
this week has also been a week of good things, though! our bible study was able to meet monday and have good discussion on the first chapters of john which we are going through. i started school today online, which i had the morning off so i was able to get some stuff done with that. it snowed today. tomorrow is friday. and last night i went to a friend's place and we are starting a bible study with a small group of girls meeting on wednesday nights---it is more of a prayer/encouragement time, but we are going to try and read through the "bible in a year" plan on the app- you version. if you don't have the youversion bible app, you need to get it. you can download different bible reading plans, not just the whole bible plans but there are topical ones, some based on certain books, etc. and it reminds you daily to read. it is awesome. i'm looking forward to this study and growing in faith with this group of new (and old) friends!
this weekend: memphis, of course...i know, the tires on my car are worn down...a dental appointment tomorrow, hanging with michael w & mom, one of my coworkers and her husband are taking a weekend vacation/trip to memphis, so i gave her a list of touristy-things they need to do, and probably working on some school stuff. ALSO it is sweet ashlyn's third birthday- her actual birthday was last wk, saturday is her party at pump it up. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!!
i'm still looking forward to this month & year and the challenges and good things that are to come!

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