Friday, April 4, 2014


For the longest time, I have been a journaler. I love to write. I've kept journals and diaries since 6th grade that I have kept over all these years. I find comfort and joy in my writing and being able to express what I'm thinking more clearly (or at least it is clearer to me!) I love looking back through old journals and finding encouraging prayers I wrote praising God for his faithfulness or funny entries about a boy I had a crush on who didn't like me back and I was crushed! 
kennedy before he left started kindof keeping a "journal" for a few days and gave it to me before he left. He didn't write too much for the few days he wrote in it, but I opened it tonight and read this from 8 dec (the day before he left):
"You're in the kitchen and I'm writing. It's 7 am. I'm so sad this is my last day with you for 4-5 months. I've been praying and reading through psalm 23 and just hoping we will be comforted by The Lord while apart from one another. He, not each other, is the best thing that has happened to us and will happen to us in our lives. He can comfort us like we never could. He is our rock and our salvation. He is our fortress in whom we can take refuge. Read john 14:16-18. God doesn't leave us alone in the world". 
Although during this time, I have felt loneliness and sadness like I hadn't experienced before, I cried out to The Lord that I would trust Him more and that He would make Himself more real and present with me. It's not an easy process to go through, but it in itself is good to know the presence and realness of God. He is good. 
I journaled the night I got back from taking kennedy on post to say goodbye because I couldn't go to sleep when I got back to our empty apt. I wrote this: 
"Today was spent with a lot of sadness in my heart knowing k would soon be leaving tonight for several months. We ate a lot today. We watched modern family. I wrote him some letters. I talked to my mom and a friend on the way home from dropping him off and cried the whole way back to the apt.... He just called and I can't stop the tears from flowing. He comforts me by saying "chin up shopgirl". My prayer: for The Lord to walk with me and make His presence known and His truth known that He will not leave k or I or forsake us. I need to know and remember that HE will carry me. My prayer for k: travel safety and swift and safe return and that God would encourage him."
It seems surreal what we have experienced. But I can't say how much I look back on this time and think about the realness of God I experienced and the comfort received in His Word and being reminded of His promises and His purposes. Tonight I am thankful for His presence and comfort. 

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