Sunday, April 24, 2011

easter weekend

so this weekend I got to go home Smile it was much needed and very relaxing. I’m always sad to leave home…although I do love nashville.

friday night we went to celebrate rachel’s bday at a mex restaurant and then went to watch harry potter at ipc! so fun and love that movie.

saturday, my dad and I went to run to get prepared for this coming weekend’s race. I feel so relaxed and ready for the race, and even more relaxed since my dad will be running with me for half of the marathon.

then, michael and I went to shelby farms & had a picnic. michael HATES picnics, mainly because he doesn’t like to eat outside or when it’s hot. he made sandwiches & I brought sides…and drinks. he was sweet to do that for me. then we went to bass pro…which was amazing. I usually SO dislike that place, but when we got there, they were doing the “fish feeding”. and this fish “expert” guy is on a microphone talking about the different kinds of fish. then he uses different lines & bait to explain and demonstrate how different fish respond to different baits. it was really neat. they were also selling the cutest lab puppies Smile 

then saturday night we went to the atkins and watched ashlyn hunt eggs and play with her easter goodies. it is a fun family tradition for us to celebrate all holidays with the atkins. I can’t wait until I have traditions like that when I have a family. I so look forward to those get togethers. then michael and I went to dinner @ mortimer’s- which is a GREAT restaurant. & then rented Unstoppable. a great movie.


today, of course, was easter & a really amazing service at first evan. I love that church. I love the people there! & then my family and I stuffed ourselves silly with yummy food that my mom makes. then…I left. a short, but sweet weekend. and a reminder of my faith—in a GOD that is living and loving….and did not end things with the grave and death, but with LIFE. and HE IS RISEN, and I am forgiven.

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